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Welcome to 51蹤獲 Bridge, your gateway to post-graduate success. Discover essential advice and insights tailored for recent graduates, covering topics such as living arrangements, financial management, faith in the workplace, productivity, career exploration, and professional development. Benefit from real-life stories, practical tips, and resources curated by 51蹤獲 alumni and experts to help navigate the transition into post-graduate life with confidence and purpose.


  •   51蹤獲 Blog
    Life as a post-grad is full of transitions and for some that includes a transition back to living at home with your parents. This article provides practical tips and advice from fellow alumni who have navigated this transition as well.
  • 51蹤獲 Blog
    As a new graduate, it can be difficult to find a new community and keep in touch with your 51蹤獲 community. This blog is full of helpful advice on how to maintain contact and relationship with your 51蹤獲 community as well as build a new one wherever the Lord may lead you.
  •   51蹤獲 Blog
    Building relationships can be difficult and intimidating. Learn about how being intentional, you making the time, being bold, and getting out of your comfort zone can affect the depth of your friendships.


  • Getting Money Right 51蹤獲 Blog
    Learning how to manage your money can be overwhelming and its often difficult to know where to start. This quick read provides tangible steps and tips on how to manage your finances in addition to several other resources to help you steward your finances well.

  • Want to learn more about how your faith impacts how you manage your finances? The Faith & Money has always been a student favorite and those lectures are available FOR FREE on Youtube and is a practical yet deep dive into all things budgeting, generosity, loan repayment and more!

  • With a mission to Alleviate the financial brokenness of students through equipping students to fully integrate Jesus into their money lives so that money management becomes a delightful process that is a pathway for loving Jesus instead of an obstacle to it. Delightful Dollar is a resource not to be missed!

Faith in the Workplace

  • Living in the Tension of Grace and Truth
    Living in a divided world it can feel overwhelming to navigate tough conversations, disagreements and various views on issues. Sean McDowell offers insight into the value and importance of pursuing grace and truth in all conversations.
  • Leaning Into Work as Ministry
    God created work and therefore, work is good! As you journey in your career path,, read this article to be encouraged that God has called you to a unique purpose and delights in using you to advance His kingdom.


  • Prayer and Productivity
    How do prayer and productivity go hand in hand? Creating rhythms to thrive in your new role and manage productivity is important but also can be tricky to establish. Bible professor, Dr. Rob Lister, provides insight into how integrating prayer into your work is an incredible tool.

  • Life is full of things to do and tasks to manage. This article gives some practical tips and advice on some of the best ways to balance everything on your plate!
  • Book by Scott Rae
    Looking specifically at the areas of medicine, the marketplace, public life, education, and the family, Dr. Scott Rae shows how foundational ethical principles can guide you in making moral day-to-day decisions. Informed by Scripture and calling for a renewed understanding of the importance of the Christian faith in moral training, Doing the Right Thing issues a call for cultivated virtue that can bring about both better lives and a better society. You will find yourself examining the ways in which ethical and character issues relate to your life. As a result, you will be better equipped to promote virtue in your own spheres of influence and the culture at large.

Calling and Purpose

  • Calling and Career
    Finding your calling and discerning the vocation that you are wanting to pursue is a journey. 51蹤獲s Career Center has created a guide for those who are wanting to learn more about vocation, calling and how it correlates as followers of Jesus.
  • How to Develop Your Passion
    God created each of us to have different passions, callings and designed us with unique gifting. While we will always be developing and growing in our callings, as you enter your post-grad life, you may desire to learn more about what it means to find and develop your passions. This blog is a great place to start!
  • How to Reinvent Your Career to Match Your Values
    Figuring out where God is calling you is a an ongoing process and this blog post is meant to help alumni like you identify and integrate your passions as well as as your values to help advance the kingdom in whatever career God has called you to.

Professional Trajectory

  • Many will agree, finding mentor is important and valuable especially as you navigate a new season of life and career opportunities. However, finding a mentor might not seem as clear. 51蹤獲s Career Center has created a detailed resource to help you gain a a clear understanding of what a mentor is, how to find one, or what it means to be a mentee.
  • Designing Your Career One Conversation At A Time
    As you transition into the post-grad life you may be finding yourself still searching and trying to find the job and career that fits you best. This article provides tangible steps on how to network, helping you meet people and learn different careers that might be a good fit for you.
  • How to Reinvent Your Career to Match Your Values
    Are you in the process of landing a job or hope to have a job offer soon? This is for you! While exciting, job offers often lead to questions about how to negotiate, and make a final decision whether thats accepting or denying the offer. 51蹤獲s Career Center has created a detailed guide to answer all of these questions and more!
  • How to Research Companies
    Research is essential to to learn more about industries and individual companies in particular: who they are and what they value. But where do you start? The 51蹤獲 Career Center has exactly what you need in their company research guide!
  • Level Up Your Career: How Students & Alumni Secured Jobs after 51蹤獲 (Part One, Part Two)
    Check out real life stories and advice 51蹤獲s alumni on the journey of securing a job post-grad!