Senior year brings with it so many feelings. Some of my friends couldn’t wait to graduate. For them, senioritis began on the first day of classes. For me however, senior year was my favorite year of high school. I was unbelievably excited for the opportunities ahead of me, but I was also repeatedly shocked when all my “lasts” would come around. It was the epitome of bittersweet. With whatever feelings you might find yourself with, if you are in your senior year of high school, I hope this little post finds you and gives you a little insight on how to navigate this funky season of life.
You don’t have to have it all figured out. What?! Crazy! I know. In fact, I don’t think we ever will have it all figured out. That is the beauty of having a faithful, everlasting Father. Each moment of senior year is too precious to spend all your time worrying about which college is “the one”. It is okay if you don’t have your life plan ahead of you. It is okay if you are still unsure what major you want to pursue. This season is a big transition, but the your future does not have to be set in stone.
Be present. Go to football games. Attend prom, even if you’re going stag (which by the way, is the most fun). There is not quite a time like high school. Sure, it’s not like high school football games and fancy dances will disappear forever after you graduate. But as a senior, these are your last few months that you’ll be able to do those things alongside classmates and friends that you have been in relationship over the last few years. Don’t fret! There are even more exciting things in store for you after graduation, but take this last year to soak up all that you’ve got left.

Step outside your bubble. Meet people, make friends. Even if you are comfortable with the friends you have now, push yourself outside of your comfort zone! During the last two months of my senior year, I remember repeating the phrase “I wish I would have met you sooner” over and over again to people I just started getting to know. That was my biggest regret. “Why even branch out?” you might ask yourself. Because new friends have so much to offer you. They will grow you, and show you love in ways you never would have expected. Meeting new people is absolutely life giving. Start as soon as you can.
Enjoy your lasts, but don’t be stuck there. This was the hardest for me to come to terms with because, by nature, I am a nostalgic fool. Allow yourself the space to be sad about all the new pages turning, but don’t dwell there. There is so much left in store. There are incredible memories ahead. Don’t miss out on the opportunities in front of you because you’re stuck mourning what was.

Soon it will your be time to bring to life Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes’ “Time of My Life”. Stay focused, but don’t forget to have fun. KEEP GOING. YOU ARE DOING SO GREAT!
With love,