California-- “The Golden State”. The slogan is true! The sun is almost always shining on the west coast. So..what does fall over here look like? Let me tell you!

We are notorious for our warm fall seasons here in Southern California. However, there are still so many fun seasonal things to do every autumn! Here is a list of some of my personal favorites:

Punk n’ Pie

This event is 51’s annual talent show that takes place every fall. Students are able to audition to be in the show which is held outside on Metzger Lawn. After the show, pumpkin pie is served to everyone who attended!

Halloween time at Disneyland

15 minutes south on the 5 freeway will bring you straight to Disneyland from 51! Beginning every September, Disneyland gets in the fall spirit by putting up their Halloween decorations. It’s also when they bring back their pumpkin spice churros…( they have orange sugar too!!) so, it’s a personal fav.

Aubrey and friend in front of Disneyland halloween Mickey Mouse

Apple Picking & Pumpkin Patches

If you’re up for a little road trip, one of my favorite fall spots is . It is about an hour and a half away in the mountains of Oak Glen, California. This spot is different than most other pumpkin patches because it’s a family owned farm that has been in business since 1978. Here, you can pick pumpkins right off the vine as well as apples right from the tree! They make the best fresh hot cider and apple pies.

Photo of Aubrey holding a pumpkin at Riley's Apple Farm

Ice Skating in Downtown Los Angeles

In November, Pershing Square opens up it’s in the middle of downtown LA. The rink is right in the heart of downtown with the cities skyscrapers surrounding you as you skate around the plaza. Tickets are around $15!

These are just a few of my fall favorites around 51--hopefully they will inspire you to come and experience a California fall!

Until next blog,
