So hey, as you probably know by now, my name is Noa Melendez. I am a Sophomore Studio Arts Major from Bellflower, CA and I will be one of your social media representatives this upcoming school year. I’m pretty much an open book. I love art and my major because I get to enhance my skills, hone my abilities, and learn new techniques and ways of creating. I grew up drawing and coloring and have loved art ever since I was young enough to color on the walls with a marker. Art means a lot to me because of how unique of a talent it is. I started to really get into drawing in elementary school, and then in middle school, I was a part of the pre-art academy on campus to go on to being a part of a four-year art program. This program taught me particular skills and gave me the opportunity to practice what I wasn’t the best at and to strengthen what I was fairly good at. I have loved the art of making something from nothing.

Choosing to be an art major can seem very minimal to some people. Some think art majors cannot launch into a career straight out of college at the rate the world is changing because you won’t make enough money. I think there’s no better time than now to pursue a career in art. After university, I hope to pursue a career in art therapy, applying a Studio Arts major with a concentration in drawing and painting with a minor in Psychology, Art History, and Theology towards that field. Even though I have not yet added my minor, art therapy is the goal I have set for myself so I will continue to pray into that to see what plan God has for me. I have loved all of my major courses because of how fun, unique and different they are from each other.

I am grateful to be where I am in terms of pursuing my passions. I come from a family of four, consisting of me, my younger sister and my Mom and Dad. I am an outgoing and loyal and energetic, an ENFJ-T. I, was voted most likely to take a picture of everything in my high school yearbook. I attend my home church, Calvary Bellflower and have been for the past ten or so years. At Calvary Bellflower, I have been a small group leader for two years going serving in the middle/high school ministry. When I’m not leading a small group on Sundays, I serve in the children’s ministry as a leader in Vacation Bible School. This past summer I also had the immense privilege of going to Greece on a five-week-long mission trip conducting refugee relief and relational ministry through an organization called Operation Mobilization alongside a team of seven. It was so impactful and with it being my first mission trip, I was enriched by the experience God catered for me. When and if the opportunity arises to return to Athens, I will without a doubt, visit again.
My favorite colors include olive green, navy blue, burnt orange (red-orange), yellow ochre, and burnt umber for all my art connoisseurs out there. I love thrift shopping, spending time outside in nature, watching movies/tv, taking naps, trying new food, listening to music and taking photos. I love dogs, interior decorating, sunny days at the beach, talking about pop culture trends, analyzing certain lyrics to songs I like, and going through Twitter to receive my news for the day. Fun facts: I used to play the accordion, I’ve never been stung by a bee, I’ve been out of the country three times, and I saw Avengers Endgame a total of five times in theatres when it came out.
I would consider myself an optimist who likes to see the glass as half full. I love people, making new friends and learning new things. I love being involved in the First Generation Scholars program on campus with being a mentor this year and serving alongside my First Gen cohort. I also leada club on campus called Art League, am co-leading a missions trip to Morelia, Mexico through the Student Missionary Union, and am currently a part of the student ambassador team. I am so very thankful to be on the social media representative team two years running because of how much it’s impacted me both as an incoming freshman and as a current sophomore. It’s taught me how to connect more intimately with people, to be intentional with my co-workers, learning the value of time management/balance, and being open to listening rather than speaking to represent 51 well.

My motto for this upcoming year is “new season, new opportunities.” Opportunities to grow, opportunities to really develop in my character and to be open to what God is going to do in this new chapter of my life. I have a lot of goals this semester and I hope that through it all, I'll be true to myself and I’ll know what’s in my control, and know what I am capable of so that I don’t overwork myself and burn out. At an AfterDark Chapel, the speaker said something that really resonated with me. He said something along the lines of, “those searching for God’s will for your life, God’s will for you, yes, has included bringing you to 51 but His will, His plan for your life, does not end here.” I am very hopeful for what is to come because I know God’s plan is greater than any goal or expectation I set for myself.
Finally, I just want to leave you with some words of wisdom that I keep for myself as a reminder too. Here are five of the life verses that I hold close when times get tough or I feel depleted, I read these and meditate on them to realign myself.
“And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me!” - Isaiah 6:8.
“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” - 2 Corinthians 5:7
“Noah did all that the Lord had commanded him.” - Genesis 6:22
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” - Philippians 4:13
“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” - Matthew 6:34
If you want to learn more about me and my story, feel free to reach out so we can get to know each other! I hope you too are working to be your best self each day. Thank you for reading my first blog post of the year, and get ready for a year of memorable moments, fun topics, and new beginnings.
See you around,