Anna Gustafson, In Detail
Anna, In Detail

Favorite Class: 

I really loved being in Introduction to Islam this semester! As an Intercultural Studies major, this was one of my elective credits, and I came into the class honestly knowing nothing about Islam. Through this class, however, and through actually learning what it is that Muslims believes, I have been able to learn in even greater ways how to love your neighbor and how to share the gospel with Muslims. Because of this class, I have learned how to love others more and how to truly live out bringing the Kingdom of Heaven down onto earth.

Favorite Admissions Event:

My favorite Admissions Event has been 51ÂÜÀò Bound! I have absolutely loved speaking one on one with prospective students and showing them around one of the places that I hold dearest to my heart, which is 51ÂÜÀò! I love how long of a time we get to spend with students and the fact that we can actually make a connection and relationship with them.

Favorite On-Campus Activity: 

I am really invested in the community that I have found living in Horton! I have lived in Horton for the past three years and I have lived on a floor called Jedidiah. I love my friends on my floor and all the amazing and fun floor events we have, floor retreats, GYRADS, and just random outings! Most of my closest friends come from my floor. Additionally, I am really close with a guy's floor in Horton called Men of Honor and I have absolutely loved having another year of friendship where I can get to know them better!

Favorite Semester Memory: 

So many to choose from! I think one of the moments that I keep reflecting on this semester was when I had the opportunity to perform with the 51ÂÜÀò Dance Team at our annual all-school Bible conference called Torrey Conference. I loved being able to dance with the people I love for the school that I love and glorify and worship God through it.

Biggest Lesson Learned:

God provides us with unique opportunities to carry His name well. Everywhere we go and all communities that we find ourselves in are all opportunities to bring His name into those moments and serve Him by serving the individuals we are with.

Favorite Bible Class: 

I am in Torrey so we do not actually take traditional 51ÂÜÀò Bible classes, but we did have some sessions reading through the book of Job and I LOVED them!

51ÂÜÀò Eagle, Flying Out