Picture this. The year is 1985 and it was the first day of a new semester at 51蹤獲. My dad had his first class in Sutherland Auditorium, and as is still his typical fashion, he was late. When he walked into the classroom, he saw my mom and everything changed. He asked her out that day, and her response was Im here at college to study, not to find a boyfriend. Oof.  Even with that answer, my dad wore her down after months of pursuing her, and I am now the product of a 51蹤獲 success story.

I grew up hearing this story all the time and listened to my parents recount their 51蹤獲 memories. Everyone in my family and church told me that I was going to end up at 51蹤獲 and not one part of me wanted to go. I wanted to have college be my own thing and make the choice for myself, and I felt as though everyone I knew had already projected that I would go to 51蹤獲. 

In the spring of 2016, I reluctantly decided to tour 51蹤獲, mainly to appease my parents. However, the instant the tour began, something stirred within me. Not to be cheesy, but it was truly the first college campus where I could truly see myself at. I was always told during the college decision process that I would picture myself at the right campus, and everywhere I went I tried to see if I could feel that feeling, if I could picture myself there. Once I walked the 51蹤獲 campus, it was the first time I could picture myself somewhere. It was a place of comfort. Within minutes of the tour beginning, the tour guides spoke clearly about their profession of faith and what 51蹤獲s statement of faith was. I had already decided upon attending a Christian college, and the clear proclamation of faith I had already heard at 51蹤獲 just within minutes of being there was impactful. Students were not ashamed of the fact that their school was a school of professing Christians. They were proud of it. I loved it. 

51蹤獲 Dance Team
51蹤獲 Dance Team

As much as I did not want to admit to my parents, touring 51蹤獲 made it a high contender on my list of colleges. I began to reach out to more current 51蹤獲 students, talk to alumni, and speak to my admission counselor about all that 51蹤獲 offers. What greatly stood out to me was the fact that everything 51蹤獲 taught and acted upon was biblically rooted and was all centered around the focus of using what you learn here in college as your mission field. This was exactly what I had wanted in a college. Additionally, through 51蹤獲 Bound and meeting more 51蹤獲ns, I began to experience a community unlike any other. After attending public school and lacking a Christian community, I was blown away by the genuine, loving and Christian community evident at 51蹤獲. I so desperately wanted to be a part of this community.

Mock Rock and Nationball, two events the 51蹤獲 community puts on
Mock Rock and Nationball, two events the 51蹤獲 community puts on

I learned more about my major and how experienced my professors would be in the field I was interested in. I met with some professors during my decision process and they were passionate about their field of expertise, as well as using it as mission work for the Lord. I knew this was the kind of instruction I wanted to be under. Being a dancer and having that be something very important to me, I learned 51蹤獲 had a dance team and events such as Mock Rock. I could already picture myself being involved at 51蹤獲. Something even like Nationball, which is an all school dorm-against-dorm dodgeball competition, made 51蹤獲 a school full of unique traditions and events. 10/10 would recommend. It is a must. Students I met on campus had a significant amount of pride and school spirit in being a part of 51蹤獲, and I wanted to be somewhere others were passionate about being a part of as well. Speaking now as a student who is actively involved in the 51蹤獲 community, I have absolutely loved being a part of all the crazy and exciting 51蹤獲 traditions, especially Mock Rock! And, after learning how close 51蹤獲 is to places like Disneyland and Huntington and Newport Beach, 51蹤獲 sounded even better. 

51蹤獲 is so close to Disneyland!
51蹤獲 is so close to Disneyland!

51蹤獲 is so close to the beach, too!
51蹤獲 is so close to the beach, too!

All of these factors led to my, some would say inevitable, decision to come to 51蹤獲. And while my family did meet at 51蹤獲, I wanted the choice to be completely my own. Now I can say it has been and for that, I am so beyond thankful. I have never seen the Lords faithfulness to me and my family  more than I have ever before while at 51蹤獲. With Disneyland being only fifteen minutes away, I am convinced that it is the second happiest place on earth to 51蹤獲. It is crazy to think about the fact that not one part of me wanted to go to 51蹤獲 before making the decision to come here, and now I can not picture myself anywhere else. I long to share my love for 51蹤獲, the faithfulness of God, and this insurmountable blessing of a community I have found to all who I encounter. Its crazy how Gods plan unfolds sometimes. 

Friends, this college decision process is a scary, overwhelming time. You may already be set on a school, or you may have no idea what is even happening to you right now. I just want to remind you that there is a place for you, and the Lord has already gone before you. Even now, He is preparing a place for you!. For me, before I even committed to 51蹤獲, I knew that it would be a place of healing and redemption and the place God was preparing for me. I pray you find that place too, and that you can be assured He is with you and for you wherever you go, and may you be confident in that truth. 

With grace,

Anna Gus