Hey Friends!
I hope everyone is enjoying their time at home and that you are making the most of your down time. Something that I am just now getting into that I used to despise is...believe it or not...reading! I am very extroverted, which means it is often very difficult for me to sit still and read. I couldnt tell you exactly what changed in my personality but in the last few months I have been loving the time I spend just relaxing with a good book. When I am at 51蹤獲, you can usually find me sitting next to the Fluor Fountain with my Bible, journal and a good book. Now that I am home, I have made it a habit to sit on my back porch or lay a blanket on the grass and face the sun while diving into my book! I wanted to write this blog for anyone looking for a new read. My favorite genre is Christian / Educational / Self-improvement, so if youre into learning more about the Lord, yourself and ways in which you can move closer towards Christ...Ive got some great reads for you!
- The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer (buy it )
This book essentially changed the way I live my life. John Mark Comer dives deep into the issues of chaos, hurry and clutter that plague our society and exposes how they negatively affect our relationship with the Lord. This book will make you want to get rid of most of your clothes, spend hours a day reading the Word instead of hours a day scrolling, drive more slowly and practice Sabbath. Not to mention, it is such a quick read that I read almost the entire book in one sitting! This book is a MUST READ.
2. Loveology by John Mark Comer (buy it )
Yes, I will admit. John Mark Comer is my favorite speaker and author BY FAR. His book Loveology is probably the best book I have ever read on love, relationships, male and female, sex, marriage...you name it. This book is not just another book on dating that tells you sex is a sin. It dives deep into the Theology of the way God intended us to live. He begins with marriage and works backwards in such a way that makes you want to crave a love relationship with God before any human relationship. If you are single, read this book. If you are dating, read it. Married? Buy two and read it together!
3. Nothing to Prove by Jennie Allen
This is one of those books that you buy for all of your best friends after reading. Jennie Allen does not beat around the bush when she writes about the human need of approval and how we live our lives striving to prove ourselves to everyone: God, our parents, our spouse; even our own selves. She will transform your view of God from a judge waiting for you to perform well, to a loving, merciful God who is simply after your hearts attention.
4. Captivating by John & Stasi Eldredge (buy it )
I cannot explain this book better than the description on the back of the cover: The message of Captivating is this: Your heart matters more than anything else in all creation. The desires you had as a little girl and the longings you still feel as a woman are telling you of the life God created you to live. He offers to come now as the Hero of your story, to rescue your heart and release you to live as a fully alive and feminine woman. A woman who is truly captivating. I have never cried so much reading a book. That is all.
(Captivating is written to women, just as Wild at Heart by John & Stasi Eldredge is for men--guys, please read it. Learn about Biblical manhood and the beautiful ways the Lord has created your heart. I havent read it, but I purchased it for my boyfriend and he LOVES it. If you are in a relationship, buy both books and read them together!!!)
5. The Screwtape Letters by C.S Lewis (buy it )
This book is a bit more challenging, but totally revolutionized the way I view spiritual warfare. I dont want to spoil it for you but it involves demons writing letters to each other on how to mess with Christians lives.
That is all for now! I could go on and on about these books, but I hope you will use the hyperlinks and enjoy some reading while staying safe in your homes. Happy social distancing and happy reading!
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