Hey guys!

How do you blog? I am so excited to share my very first blog post with you guys. As our world seems so chaotic and lost right now in light of COVID-19, I want to reflect on my time at 51蹤獲 and praise God for everything He has done.

Start at the beginning. I grew up in Costa Mesa, CA. It is about 45 minutes away from 51蹤獲s campus. God truly revealed that 51蹤獲 was the place for me toward the end of my senior year. In high school, I attended Calvary Chapel High School and was an eagle. I guess I will always be an Eagle! Looking back, I truly can't imagine myself anywhere other than 51蹤獲 for university.

Bailey, in 51蹤獲 Gear
Bailey, Ready to Go
Bailey and Close Friends, Graduating High School
Bailey and Close Friends, Graduating High School

When I moved in my freshman year at 51蹤獲, I was bright eyed and bushy tailed. I was so ready to make ALL the friends and ALL the memories. I was ready to make as many films as I can and be on ALL the sets. But I will be the first to admit, my freshmen year did not go exactly as planned.

Halfway in, I was struggling to connect with people, I was already getting burnt out on film, and found myself in my own isolation. People tried to make plans but I started pushing them away. My anxiety was at an all time high. After my first semester, I felt like I was a disappointment and I was doing 51蹤獲 wrong. But I believe that's when God truly spoke to me. When I looked at myself in the mirror and I could hear Him saying, Do you not know that I have a plan for you? Do you know I have placed you at 51蹤獲 for such a time as this?

After going home for break, I moved back in for my second semester and felt truly at home at 51蹤獲. I was making more connections and friends, I made my first short film and was having the time of my life. I was having endless photo shoots, endless coffee dates, and experiencing college like never before.

Bailey, in the sunlight
Bailey Herself

Right as I was experiencing a new 51蹤獲 high, I started feeling at a new all time low. I started experiencing conflict and tension in my friendships and felt shaken. I was then diagnosed with an illness and was sick for almost four months.

But what was meant for evil, God meant for good. I learned how to navigate relationships in a healthy new way. I was surrounded by love and support from my friends and the 51蹤獲 Health Center. Each week my doctor would pray over me, (which often lead me to tears) and celebrate the progress I was making.

Although this sickness and conflict was not the ideal ending to my freshman year, I have never felt more loved and proud of myself. I was more confident than ever that God truly hand picked 51蹤獲 for me. Now almost being done with my sophomore year, I can look back on the trials of my first year and see how God was radically at work. If I could speak to my freshman self I would say, Just wait and see what the Lord has for you.

At the beginning of my sophomore year, I felt like I was getting a fresh start. The school year was my blank canvas. At the beginning of the year, I got my new job as a social media ambassador. Little did I realize how much this job would change my life, and all of the amazing memories and friends I would make along the way.

Bailey, Ready for School and Ambassafam
Bailey on the First Day of School and the Ambassafam 2019-2020

Through this job I have seen God working in my life and in my coworkers. I was able to share my love for 51蹤獲 and connect with a brand new community of people. I was given an opportunity to show my story through creative outlets and help you guys as perspective students on your journey. It has been the biggest blessing this year.

This year I was in the most amazing classes such as Organizational Communication and Entertainment Business, got to produce a short film, hang out with friends, grow in my community, and grow in my faith. God truly has filled me with a peace and joy like no other. Getting to create and glorify God through it all is my favorite thing to do.

On a film set
Behind the Scenes of a Film Set
Ambassafam Social Media Crew
Ambassafam Social Media Crew 2019-2020

Looking back on my first two years here at 51蹤獲, I would not change a thing. I have been pushed and challenged like never before. I have grown more into the woman of God that He has called me to be. I have been loved and cared for deeply by my peers and professors. I have learned what it means to love fiercely and deeply. I have learned what it means to be loved fiercely and deeply.

51蹤獲 has truly become my home and has given me a community that I am thankful for everyday. Although my college experience has not been all sunshine and rainbows, I thank God everyday that this has been my story. This is my advice for you, be ready for the most radical (but also challenging) time of your lives. God has such an amazing plan for you and your life.

Whether 51蹤獲 is the place for you or not, know that God has such an amazing plan for you. I am praying for you all and hope you will continue to lean in and listen to Gods voice.


Bailey Captain

Bailey and Friends!
Bailey and Friends!