Hey guys,

While here at 51蹤獲 and in normal times, I would highly consider checking out our study abroad programs. We offer lots of options. You can choose to study in a semester long program, a summer short term program, in or outside of the program, and Torrey even offers its own program. Some things to keep in mind would be to chat with the Registrar to see what classes transfer over. Some locations only offer certain classes because they are more geared towards a certain major. The NYC study abroad, for instance, offers a majority of journalism courses so its not the best option for a music major to choose this program. But no need to worry because you can easily access all the study abroad programs and what they entail on 51蹤獲s website: /studyabroad/programs.


Study Abroad
Study Abroad!

If you are even considering studying abroad, definitely attend one of the information sessions offered by each major. Going to one of these might help clear up any underlying questions that you may have concerning classes within your major or just in general. It's also a great place to ask those questions and be heard by others who have participated in study abroads. For those of you without a decided major- dont worry! There is an info session for undecided students as well.

If you have researched and are sure that you want to study abroad, I would then suggest going to study abroad advising. Its for students who are ready to take the next steps and finalize their plan. It is not required that you go to advising, but it does make your life easier. The people who work in advising are there to help you with passport assistance, preparing for departure, and any other details that your trip may entail.

I personally have not studied abroad (since I am only a freshman) but I want to give you all a little info about my friend, Annas, experience in Cambridge.

  • I studied in Cambridge with Torrey Honors Institute during the summer of 2019 and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. We read and studied Cambridge authors who walked the same streets as we did, but we also read the book of Galatians everyday and truly dived into what it means to have freedom in Christ. I loved this growing and enlightening experience and I was blessed to do it amongst friends!

Passports are required to study abroad
Torrey Honors Cambridge
Torrey Honors Cambridge

The trip she went on is only offered through Torrey Honors and is only three weeks long. What she studied there for Torrey covered four credits of Torrey that she can apply to whichever semester she has left.

Its a great idea to consider if you want to graduate early or even just lessen the load your last couple semesters here at 51蹤獲.

Hopefully this gives you all some more insight on what it would look like to study abroad here at 51蹤獲! And again, if you have any further questions I would suggest going to the website I linked a couple paragraphs above for the most accurate information!

Til next time,
