, Scott Rae (chair and professor of philosophy of religion and ethics) and Austin Hill (M.A. ’99), Northfield Publishing, May 2010; Hill and Rae agree with capitalism’s critics that the economy is essentially a moral issue, but they argue that free markets are by and large the solution to financial disasters rather than the cause. Thoughtful and engaging, this book pushes against the tide of current public opinion and some of the Obama administration’s proposed economic policies with a principled defense of capitalism.

, Gregory Koukl (M.A. ’06), Zondervan, February 2009; In a world increasingly indifferent to Christian truth, followers of Christ need to be equipped to communicate with those who do not speak their language or accept their source of authority. Koukl demonstrates how to get in the driver’s seat, keeping any conversation moving with thoughtful, artful diplomacy. You’ll learn how to maneuver comfortably and graciously through the minefields, stop challengers in their tracks, turn the tables and — most importantly — get people thinking about Jesus.

, Sean McDowell (’98, M.A. ’03) and Jonathan Morrow (M.A., M.Div. ’07) Kregel, August 2010; Why are people reading books that bash God and ridicule faith? And how can Christians respond? The writings of the New Atheists are especially challenging to the emerging generation who are skeptical of authority and have not been given answers to the hows and whys of faith’s honest questions. For these readers especially, McDowell and Morrow have penned an accessible yet rigorous look at the arguments of the New Atheists.

, Clinton E. Arnold (professor of New Testament language and literature), Zondervan, December 2010; Through the use of graphic representations of translations, succinct summaries of main ideas, exegetical outlines and other features, Arnold presents Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians with precision and accuracy. Readers will better understand the literary elements of Ephesians, comprehend the author’s revolutionary goals and ultimately discover their vital claims upon the church today.

, Jonathan Lunde (associate professor of biblical and theological studies), Zondervan, November 2010; Lunde presents a biblical theology of discipleship that gives the “big picture” of God’s relationship with humanity, offering a view of Christian discipleship that is grounded in an informed Christology of Jesus, the Servant King. He surveys God’s interaction with his people from Eden to Jesus, paying special attention to the biblical covenants that illuminate the character and plans of God.

, co-edited by Doug Hayward (professor of anthropology and intercultural studies), William Carey Library, 2010; Evangelical missionaries and mission agencies are concerned about personal morality — and rightly so. But as the 16 chapters in this volume attest, evangelical mission’s ethical engagement extends far beyond simply avoiding compromising sexual situations and not absconding with the finances. Contributors deal with a broad range of ethical issues, providing guidance, admonition and deep reflection on the conduct of evangelical mission.

, Holly Ordway (current M.A. in Christian apologetics student), Moody Publishers, May 2010; What happens when an atheist college professor at spiritual ground zero asks herself: “What if God is real?” In this memoir of her conversion, Holly Ordway offers a bold testimony to the ongoing power of the gospel — a gospel that can humble and transform even self-assured, accomplished and secular-minded young professionals like herself.

, co-edited by Jonathan Kim (associate professor of Christian education), B&H Academic, May 2010; For Christian education professors and students, Christian Formation provides a composite view of human development and learning from integrated theory, theology and educational practices in the church. By design, the book integrates these elements into a cohesive foundational piece for Christian education. Contributors include James Estep, Jonathan Kim, Timothy Jones and Michael Wilder, Greg Carlson and Mark Maddix.