Wesley on the Christian Life: The Heart Renewed in Love, by Fred Sanders (associate professor of theology), Crossway, August 2013. It is hard to overstate the significance of John Wesley’s legacy for the church today. As the founder of Methodism, Wesley’s theology continues to fascinate historians and energize Christians across denominational lines. From his revivalist enthusiasm to his teaching on Christian perfection, Wesley’s writings exude evangelistic zeal and a passion for faithfulness in all areas of life. Sanders provides a brief biographical sketch and explores Wesley’s take on the central truths of the faith and those doctrines that uniquely characterize the Wesleyan approach to spirituality.
God in Slow Motion, by Mike Nappa (’89), Thomas Nelson, August 2013. Jesus had only three years of public ministry, but the Bible never tells us he was rushing through them. We rush through them. We can race through the Gospels in hours, fully briefed on Christ’s life, but hardly changed. In God in Slow Motion, Nappa takes 10 important moments from Christ’s life and revels in them, chewing on their words, comparing them with modern culture and allowing the Spirit to work. The result is a rich, personal and biblical narrative about Jesus and how his purposes unfold, then and now.
A Youth Worker's Commentary on James, co-authored by David Nystrom (provost and senior vice president), Zondervan, September 2013. Written for youth workers, ministry volunteers and everyday people who want to probe deeper into the book of James, this book has the entire NIV biblical text of James printed alongside a deeply rich, yet readable, look into its meaning. The book includes dozens of word studies, with fascinating historical accounts and personal stories, followed by a large section of thought-provoking questions to get your students thinking and talking.
Minding the Heart: The Way of Spiritual Transformation, by Robert L. Saucy (distinguished professor of systematic theology), Kregel, October 2013. The heart is the place where God works to change us. But how does this growth take place? Renewing one’s mind through meditation, action and community can begin the process of change, but ultimately the final change can only come through a vital relationship with God. Drawing from Bible passages and scientific studies, Saucy demonstrates how Christians can achieve the joys of becoming more like Christ.
Embracing Shared Ministry: Power and Status in the Early Church and Why It Matters Today, Joseph H. Hellerman (professor of New Testament language and literature), Kregel, September 2013. The local church, Hellerman maintains, should be led and taught by a community of leaders who relate to one another first as brothers and sisters in Christ, and who function only secondarily as vision-casting, decision-making leaders for the broader church family. Hellerman interprets the biblical materials against the background of ancient Roman cultural values in order to demonstrate a social context for ministry that will provide healthy checks and balances on the use of pastoral power and authority in our congregations.
Reading the Christian Spiritual Classics: A Guide for Evangelicals, co-edited by Jamin Goggin (’03, M.A. ’08) and Kyle Strobel (M.A. ’05), with contributions from professors Betsy A. Barber, John Coe, Greg Peters, Steve L. Porter and Fred Sanders, IVP, July 2013. Many evangelicals have come to discover the wealth of spiritual insight available in the Desert Fathers, the medieval mystics, German Pietism and other traditions. While these classics have been a source of life-changing renewal for many, still others are wary. This collection of essays provides a comprehensive and charitable introduction to the spiritual classics, suitable for both those who already embrace them and those who remain concerned and cautious.
The End of Our Exploring: A Book 51ÂÜÀò Questioning and the Confidence of Faith, by Matthew Lee Anderson ('04), Moody Publishers, June 2013. Do we know what it means to question well? We need not fear questions, but by the grace of God, we have the safety and security to rush headlong into them and find ourselves better for it on the other side. Faith isn't the sort of thing that will endure as long as our eyes are closed. The opposite, in fact: Faith helps us see, and that means not shrinking from the ambiguities and the difficulties that provoke our most profound questions. In our embrace of questioning, we must learn to question well. In our uncertainty, we must not give up the task of walking worthy of the calling that Christ has placed upon us. For we have not yet reached the end of our exploring.