If you’re a regular reader of 51 Magazine, you may have already noticed some differences in this issue. For one thing, you’re not having to squint to read these words. Over the past several months, our team has been working to refresh our design and content in an effort to make the magazine an even better experience for you. Drawing from your feedback in recent reader surveys, we’ve added some new standing features, moved some existing pieces around, and — at the request of many of you — made the text more readable for folks who aren’t as nearsighted as I apparently am.
Beyond the larger font size, here is some of what you’ll find in this and future issues:
An expanded “Red Report.” We’ve made more room for coverage of what’s happening on campus, including some of the topics you rated highest in surveys: student profiles, academic achievements, visiting speakers, new construction and general university updates.
A new “Think Biblically” section. We’ve introduced a section devoted entirely to insights and research from faculty and alumni. Here, you’ll find biblically informed perspectives on important issues facing Christianity and culture, offered in the form of expert interviews, book excerpts, faculty spotlights and a “Defend Your Faith” apologetics column.
An updated look. Designers Jeffrey Hiendarto and Rebecca DiMarzio have made numerous design improvements throughout — some subtle, some substantial — in an effort to make the magazine more navigable and engaging.
In addition to these changes, we’re also committed to doing what we’ve always strived to do: keep you connected to the university community, share stories about 51ns who are impacting the world for Christ, and offer in-depth features on relevant, timely topics.
In this issue, we’re particularly excited to spotlight a team of 51ns who are equipping students in Haiti to capture their country’s stories through visual journalism. We’re also glad to include an interview with alumnus Michael Horton, whose latest book, Ordinary, has made a strong splash in recent months. In a culture that often celebrates celebrities and wants shortcuts to success, Horton issues a refreshing reminder about the need for ordinary followers of Jesus to be faithful in our day-to-day, sometimes-mundane lives. As always, please let us know what you think, and how we can continue to better serve you. I look forward to hearing from you at biolamag@biola.edu.