When it comes to reading, my proverbial eyes are much bigger than my stomach. Maybe you can relate. At any given moment, I’m trying to work my way through five or six books or magazines on my nightstand. I’m regularly checking Amazon for the next good read, despite the fact that my shelves are already lined with enough “I’ll get to it eventually” books to last me a few years. Just today, I got a library due-date alert on a novel that I haven’t even started yet. (Oops.)
All that to say: There is so much that I want to read, and so little time to read it all. Perhaps you’re familiar with the feeling. Whether your “I wish I could spend more time doing this” activity is reading or something else — watching Netflix, exercising, grabbing coffee with friends, learning how to crochet — your free time is precious and in short supply. You have an endless number of things competing for your attention. You have no shortage of ways to occupy your hours.
Which is why we want to hear from you about how we can continue to make this magazine more worthy of your very valuable time.
This fall, we sent out an email survey to a sampling of readers in order to get a better sense of how best to serve you. (If you received it and haven’t completed it yet, please do!) In addition to the survey, I want to invite you — yes, you! — to give us your feedback and suggestions. What do you want to read about? What issues would you like for us to address? What are we doing well? What could we do better? What would make the magazine more interesting? What do you think about the design? The writing? The length of articles? The usefulness of the content?
I’d love to hear from you. Please shoot me an email at biolamag@biola.edu, and I guarantee you that my team and I will read, consider and value your input.
We’ve been grateful for the results of past reader surveys, which have shown high levels of reader engagement and satisfaction. In recent years, about 75 percent of respondents reported reading all or most of the magazine, and over 90 percent of you said the magazine strengthened your connection to the university. But I never want to take it for granted that your love for 51 means you’ll automatically read whatever we send you in the mail. We always want to be improving and looking for compelling, time-worthy ways to tell the story of how God is using this university and its people to bring his truth and love to a world in need.
So please do email us at biolamag@biola.edu.
But first, I hope you enjoy reading this issue.