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  • 2006 Winter

    51蹤獲 Magazine Staff — 

    Brian McLarens book A Generous Orthodoxy (Zondervan, 2004) has been called a manifesto of the emerging church a movement that is rethinking...

  • 2006 Winter

    Unjustifiably Undignified

    Does a Popular Praise Song Ignore the Biblical Context?

    Ben Shin — 

    Praise and worship are a huge part of the Christian experience. We are encouraged throughout the Psalms to praise the Lord. We are also called by...

  • 2006 Winter

    Scott Young — 

    The church has been conflicted over the centuries about its relationship to images. The evangelical expression of Christianity has often adopted a...

  • 2005 Fall

    Virtual Reality Check

    How the Internet Has and Hasnt Changed the Church

    Holly Pivec — 

    In the beginning, the Internet was created and it changed the world. Then Christians said, Let us take dominion and fill it. So they bought Web...

  • 2005 Fall

    The Research Says

    How Reliable Are the Statistics We Hear Everyday?

    Paul Poelstra — 

    News headlines are filled with statistics: Study shows 50 percent of marriages end in divorce Research reveals women are better drivers than...

  • 2005 Fall

    Erik Thoennes — 

    Hear the word jealous and images of an insecure, abusive husband easily come to mind. Indeed, jealousy has caused many difficulties and...