Over 250 invited members of the 51 community joined together on Monday, March 16, 2009 to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of 51’s School of Intercultural Studies. The dinner celebration, held in a tent on Metzger Lawn, featured an international buffet and a program celebrating the School of Intercultural Studies’ past, present and future. Faculty, students and staff who had served with SICS over the years shared fond memories of the school’s beginnings and provided entertainment, while Dean Doug Pennoyer cast the vision for the future.

President Barry H. Corey formally announced the renaming of the School of Intercultural Studies as the “Cook School of Intercultural Studies.” Former President Clyde Cook was central in the formation of the School 25 years ago and served as a professor and program Director before assuming his presidency. The Cook Family was present for the announcement and Craig Cook, son of the late President Emeritus Clyde Cook, shared his gratitude and excitement on behalf of the family.

The evening was truly a testimony to God’s faithfulness throughout the history of the School of Intercultural Studies, and its bright and exciting future as The Clyde and Anna Belle Cook School of Intercultural Studies.