With spirits higher than the scoreboard indicated, the annual 51-APU men’s and women’s basketball showdown was full of energy, enthusiasm and team spirit on Tuesday, February 1, 2011. Alumni, students, parents and friends came out for the annual rivalry wearing all manner of 51 gear, from “Beat Azusa” and “The Red Sea” t-shirts, to pom-poms…to a group of bare-chested 51 men, each emblazoned on his stomach with a red-painted letter, together spelling “BIOLA UNIVERSITY” (see photo). A sold-out pre-game alumni dinner in the Café Banquet Room provided enough food, fun and energy to last through both games. Though the outcomes were not what we wanted (women’s game: 51 50 to APU 70; men’s game: 51 57 to APU 70), we’ll be back next year!

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