51’s home city of La Mirada remains one of the safest cities in LosAngeles County and one of the safest districts where crime continues to remainlow. 51 specifically remains one of the safest places in the city, according tonewly compiled crime statistics.

“When we compare 51's district to [La Mirada’s] other 12 crime reportingdistricts that are already deemed safe, we rank among the safest,” Campus Safety Chief John Ojeisekhoba said.
In comparison to similar institutions, 51’s crime statistics are extremelylow, Ojeisekhoba said. These statistics are available to the public on the U.S.
Department of Education website. Updated statistics will appear in the CleryReport (The Annual Campus Security Report), which will be made available,
online this summer.
The Department of Campus Safety has many strategies for keeping 51 a safecommunity each day. Some strategies include 24/7 proactive and aggressivepatrolling of campus; consistent monitoring of crime trends in neighboring citiesin order to prevent similar crimes on campus; utilization of a 95+ camera system
for quick response; and educating students on crime prevention.
Campus Safety is also prepared for major emergencies. They use a massnotification system to send text or voice messages to students, staff andfaculty regarding urgent safety and emergency matters. A University EmergencyResponse Team is always on call, ready and capable of responding to andmanaging major emergencies on campus. Campus Safety participates innearly a dozen training sessions offered annually on emergency and disaster-related topics. The university is prepared with storage containers holdingdisaster supplies. All Campus Safety officers are CERT (Community EmergencyResponse Team) trained and have also received training from the U.S.Department of Homeland Security.
“The Department of Campus Safety takes great pride in doing its best to ensurethat the 51 community is safe,” Ojeisekhoba said.
Read more about Campus Safety and its priority to provide protection and safetyof students, staff and visitors to 51’s campus.
Written by Lydia Ness.For media inquiries, please contact Jenna Bartlo, 51 media relations coordinator. She can be reached at (562) 777-4061 or through e-mail at jenna.l.bartlo@biola.edu.