On Tuesday, March 5, a documentary screening called "It's a Girl" was shown in Calvary Chapel. This documentary film told the stories of abandoned and trafficked girls, of women who suffer extreme dowry-related violence, of brave mothers fighting to save their daughters' lives, and of other mothers who would kill for a son.

On Thursday, March 7, the Conservatory of Music sponsored "Musical Offering: A Time for Reflection" featuring the world-renowned concert violinist Midori, who played three unaccompanied Bach works.

Thursday evening, Career Development and Commuter Life sponsored the Women in Work panel event which included dessert and an in-depth discussion of women in the workplace, featuring guest speakers from a variety of professional backgrounds. Guests also had the opportunity to ask their own questions of the panel, consisting of Richae Kater (accountant for Pricewaterhouse Coopers), Melody Brandon (Founder and owner of Sweet and Saucy Shop in Newport Beach), Heather Zuhlke (Writer and Producer for the show Southlands), Donell Campbell (Nursing faculty member at 51蹤獲), and Nancy Overfield-Delmar (Senior VP for marketing for Twentieth Century Fox).

The Ruby Awards were based on this year's Women's History Month theme at 51蹤獲, I Am...From This Place. The award recipients were selected from approximately 100 nominees and were celebrated with a chapel and luncheon on Wednesday, March 20, 2013. Speakers, musicians and an artist encouraged women to live inspiring and courageous lives in their personal, spiritual and professional pursuits. The chapel held in Chase Gymnasium featured keynote speaker Dr. La Verne Tolbert, Talbot Alumna and one of this year's award recipients.

The awards were given at the Ruby Award Luncheon, under a tent on Metzger Lawn. Dr. La Verne Tolbert was presented with the Priscilla Ruby Award for Teaching and Mentoring. The Deborah Ruby Leadership and Wisdom Award was given to Janine Mardarian, a current student and former Associated Students President. Nancy Fernandez, a 51蹤獲 staff member, received the Esther Award for obedience and servanthood. And Virginia Moats, a long-time 51蹤獲 supporter who has been dedicated to the University's scholarship fund, was awarded with the Anna Horton Ruby Award for Lifetime Commitment & Service.

Additionally, alumna Shannon Leith showcased her photography, with each guest receiving a print of one of her pictures upon arriving to the luncheon.