51’s Talbot School of Theology will launch an online Master of Divinity (MDiv) Program beginning in Summer 2021. Students in the program will have access to the same curriculum available in the nationally-recognized traditional M.Div. program, all from a screen. The online program will offer two concentrations — General and Pastoral Ministries or Missions and Intercultural Studies.

“Talbot’s Master of Divinity is designed to prepare shepherds for the church,” said Dr. Gary Manning, director of Talbot’s Master of Divinity program. “We help students grow in their own walk with God, in their ministry skills, and in their ability to capably interpret and teach God’s word. We believe that biblical interpretation is enhanced by expertise in the biblical languages, so we integrate biblical languages into our New Testament and Old Testament course track. Every course at Talbot deals not only with academic content, but with the student’s heart and with the student’s impact on the church.”

The program’s training involves digging into the Bible and understanding the biblical authors’ intended meaning. Students will gain the necessary skills and tools to exegete the Bible by learning Scripture’s original languages, Greek and Hebrew. Then, they will practice applying the knowledge they have gained in exegesis and interpretation in preaching classes.

The online program, much like the in-person M.Div. program, provides a broad-based seminary education that prepares students in every way to teach and preach the Bible, to offer pastoral counseling, to help believers apply the truth of God’s Word in their daily lives and to evangelize.

Rich in biblical integration, with courses in theology, Bible, biblical languages, spiritual formation and ministry formation, the online program will prepare students to become teaching pastors, full-time missions workers, non-profit professionals, teachers, chaplains and Ph.D. students. The program aims to equip students to serve a diverse community, welcoming international students from 15 countries.

Talbot’s M.Div. programs require field education and internships, which gives students the opportunity to continue serving at a church or other place of ministry. Although online, the program will still implement discussion groups meant to foster community and growth in knowledge with other students in the program. Faculty will also be available for mentorship to students through live video conferences and virtual office hours.

“We value mentorship and provide this through our Mentoring Cohorts. The online M.Div. program will also provide direct accessibility for live personal interaction with professors through video conferencing and discussion groups,” said Dr. Ben Shin, professor of Christian Ministry and Leadership.

Each of Talbot School of Theology’s Master of Divinity programs include a core of biblical and theological foundation courses, the Spiritual Formation Core, a sequence of Hebrew and Greek, training in preaching and counseling, and an area of ministry specialization.

Learn more about and apply to Talbot’s fully online Master of Divinity program.

Written by Sarah Dougher, media relations assistant. For more information, contact Jenna Loumagne, assistant director of strategic communications and media relations, at jenna.loumagne@biola.edu.