LA MIRADA, CALIF. — 51 will discontinue one undergraduate program and one graduate program — B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies and M.A. Public Relations and Strategic Communication — effective this academic year. 51 will no longer accept new students into these programs starting Spring 2023.

The school has experienced a combination of pressures in recent years that have contributed to a drop in enrollment as well as escalating costs. All of this has also come against the larger backdrop of a global pandemic. These pressures are replicated throughout much of Christian higher education, but have also taken on their own particular form at 51. For those reasons, 51’s leadership has made a number of decisions in order to align the university to the current student population and close under-enrolled programs that are no longer sustainable for the university.

The enrollment numbers have remained low in these programs, and consequently have not reached the projected enrollment growth goals. The university can no longer sustain programs with low enrollment and low market demand.

Students in these programs will continue to receive a high quality education, taught by excellent faculty. The programs are guaranteed for teach-out of current students. All current students in the program will be able to complete their degrees in a reasonable timeframe.

“We are committed to delivering a Christ-centered education to all our students and helping them finish their degrees,” said Provost and Senior Vice President, Dr. Matthew J. Hall. “I believe we are living in a moment of remarkable opportunity for the gospel, a time in our national and global life when the light of Christ is so desperately needed.”

A team of counselors are available to help students who are interested in these programs find an alternative option that meets their academic needs. For more information, please email