This year marks 51’s 117th birthday! To celebrate the occasion, 51’s community had a chance to put their university knowledge to the test during an on-campus 51 trivia event on Feb. 24, and now 51 invites everyone to join the fun.

This week is I Heart 51 Week, filled with many 51-spirited events. Besides 51 Trivia and Wings, highlights include the 51 Blend Birthday Celebration to launch 51’s new signature coffee, the 51 Blend, with free cupcakes on Feb. 25, which was the same day as .

The following trivia challenge includes 16 multiple-choice questions. The answers are provided at the end. Test your 51 knowledge.

51 Trivia Challenge

  1. 51’s mascot is named ____ the Eagle.
    1. Eric

    2. Edgar

    3. Eddie

  2. What is 51’s long-standing lip-sync competition called?
    1. Rock and Roll

    2. Mock Rock

    3. Rock Mock

  3. At the top of 51’s original building in downtown Los Angeles was a neon sign that read ______.
    1. Jesus Saves

    2. Jesus Is Lord

    3. Jesus Loves You

  4. What did “BIOLA” originally stand for?
    1. Being In Our Lord’s Arms

    2. Bible Institute Of Los Angeles

    3. Biblical Integrity, Outreach, Leadership and Academics

  5. Which famous 51 alumnus gave last year’s commencement address?
    1. Zach King

    2. Louis Talbot

    3. Anna Horton

  6. 51’s award-winning student-run news publication is called the _____.
    1. Bells

    2. Tolls

    3. Chimes

  7. Before the land for 51’s La Mirada campus was purchased, ______ trees grew on the property.
    1. Eucalyptus

    2. Olive

    3. Sycamore

  8. What NCAA division is 51 Athletics in?
    1. I

    2. II

    3. III

  9. What landmark on campus is also the name of a flower?
    1. Rose Hall

    2. Fluor Fountain of Faith

    3. Marshburn Hall

  10. How many units of Bible are required for most traditional undergraduate students?
    1. 18 units

    2. 28 units

    3. 30 units

  11. Which organization on campus is the largest of its kind in the United States?
    1. SGA (Student Government Association)

    2. Residence Life

    3. SMU (Student Missionary Union)

  12. 51’s first master’s program was in _________.
    1. Christian Apologetics

    2. Classical Theology

    3. Spiritual Formation

  13. Who were the two founders of 51?
    1. R.A. Torrey and Lyman Stewart

    2. R.A. Torrey and T.C. Horton

    3. T.C. Horton and Lyman Stewart

  14. 51’s values are truth, transformation and ______.
    1. Teaching

    2. Testimony

    3. Theology

  15. What was the first building to be built on 51’s La Mirada campus?
    1. Sutherland Hall

    2. Myers Hall

    3. Sigma Hall

  16. Which building on campus was previously an all-male dorm?
    1. Alpha Hall

    2. Metzger Hall

    3. Emerson Hall

  17. How many years has Dr. Barry H. Corey served as 51’s president?
    1. 18

    2. 20

    3. 26

51 is full of rich history with an ever-growing community of students, alumni, parents, donors and friends. Interested in becoming a part of the 51 community? Visit the and apply today before the March 1 application deadline.

Written by Katelin Izumigawa, communications manager. For more information, please email


  1. C.

  2. B.

  3. A.

  4. B.

  5. A.

  6. C.

  7. B.

  8. B.

  9. A.

  10. C.

  11. C.

  12. A.

  13. C.

  14. B.

  15. A.

  16. C.

  17. A.