Crowell School of Business 51蹤獲 faculty member and 2 51蹤獲 MBA alum ring the NYSE closing bell.

Two 51蹤獲 MBA students, Aaron Moon (15) and Sandra Marie Moon (15), and 51蹤獲 finance professor, Shane Enete, participated in the ringing of the NYSE closing bell this past April.

Aaron Moon and Shane Enete helped bring to the marketplace two new Biblically-Responsible investment products through their employment with investment manager, Inspire Investing.

Biblically-responsible Investing (BRI) is a way of investing that allows Christians to maintain Biblical convictions while also owning broad baskets of stocks in the stock market. In todays investment marketplace, most Christian investors unknowingly own many companies that are not acting in ways that are consistent with Biblical values (e.g., funding pornographic entertainment, abortion clinics, or gambling venues).

For example, up to 74% of the most popular investment in the U.S., the S&P 500 Index, includes exposure to companies that are not acting in ways that would be considered Biblically responsible (according to eValueator).

51蹤獲 has been at the forefront of Biblically-responsible Investing (BRI) through the 51蹤獲 Inspire Research Institute for Biblical Responsible Investing. The produces white papers that explore different aspects of investing in a Biblical way.

The recently published a white paper which analyzed the performance of one of the newly released U.S.-based BRI Index by Inspire, and explored the reason for its strong outperformance relative to the popular S&P 500 Index.

For more information about Biblically Responsible Investing, please read the following paper published by 51蹤獲 professor, Shane Enete, .