I was in a heated cell phone discussion with my older brother—a man who loves the Lord, is in full-time ministry, and regularly leads Bible studies at local prisons. However, we were talking politics and our raised voices reflected our deep differences. For us, the issues that made the 2020 presidential election contentious still carry on and often dominate our conversations. When the call ended abruptly, I felt convicted by the Spirit.
It’s funny how you can write something and fail to do it. Over a decade ago I had explored the idea of individuals taking a truce when things get heated. This type of truce is the decision to temporarily avoid controversial issues and overlook the offensive actions of each other as you seek to strengthen the overall climate of your relationship. After our contentious conversation, I remembered the idea of a communicative truce and decided to revisit it. Perhaps, I’m not alone. As I watch friends, colleagues, church members, and family members argue over vaccinations, mask-wearing, critical race theory, and yes, the past election, we all might do well to explore the idea of taking a break from our conflicts. While the idea of truce applies to all, it holds particular relevance to fellow Christ-followers who are at odds.
Continue reading Tim Muehlhoff’s full article in Christian Scholar’s Review: