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  • GRIT

    Filipino American History Month

    an interview with Meleca Consultado

    Sarah Schwartz — 

    RD Meleca Consultado shares with us for Filipino American History Month.

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    Lets face it; we live in a world saturated with sex. Our movies, music, novels, politics, and even advertisements are dominated by sex. Essentially, the celebrated view of sex in our culture is: if it feels good, do it. According to the ideas propagated by the late Hugh Hefner, and others in the sexual revolution, anything that prevents someone from experiencing consensual sex in whatever fashion he or she desires is viewed as harmful and repressive ...

  • The Good Book Blog

    How Can Christs Death Satisfy Divine Justice?

    Weekly Q & A with Dr. William Lane Craig

    William Lane Craig — 

    ... For those who dont remember, Lance Ito was the judge in the infamous O.J. Simpson murder trial. Simpson was actually acquitted, but youre asking why, had he been found guilty, some other person might not have borne his sentence for him, given that Christ bore our sentence of death for us. I want to be very precise about your question, Tomislav. Your question is not about the morality of penal substitution. Rather your question is about the satisfaction of justice. How can the demands of retributive justice be met by punishing a substitute in one case but not the other? ...

  • 51蹤獲 News

    Crowell School of Business Launches Third Annual Startup Competition

    Lynsi Snyder-Ellingson, CEO of In-N-Out Burger, featured at kickoff event

    Alisa Ohara — 

    51蹤獲s Crowell School of Business kicked off the 3rd Annual 51蹤獲 Startup Competition on Monday, Sept. 25 featuring Lynsi Snyder, CEO...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    My friend Timothy Fox at Freethinking Ministries recently interviewed me regarding the updated version of Evidence That Demands A Verdict, which I had the opportunity to co-write with my father. He asked some great questions about the history of the book, its impact, and details regarding some of the updates. Enjoy! ...

  • GRIT

    Leveraging Your Advantages

    a chapel talk by Christa McKirland

    Lisa Igram — 

    Now, the Star-Belly SneetchesHad Bellies with stars.The Plain-Belly SneetchesHad none upon thars. ~Dr. Seuss, The Sneetches and Other Stories So...

  • Student Life Blog

    Fleshy Prison or Beautiful Vessel

    a blog response to the The 51蹤獲 Hour on Spirituality & Embodiment

    Samantha Lyons — 

    As a way to continue the conversations in The 51蹤獲 Hour, we've invited Sam Gassaway to blog her thoughts after each episode. This is a response...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Worshiping a God Who Might Damn Your Children

    Weekly Q & A with Dr. William Lane Craig

    William Lane Craig — 

    ... There are actually two different questions here which are being run together, the first a psychological question (How can you love and worship a God who you believe would do that to your children?) and the second a philosophical question (How can you think that is a fair and reasonable thing for anyone or anything to do?). The psychological question is nothing more than an emotionally loaded red herring. It is just an inquiry about ones personal psychological state. It is a request for an autobiographical report about ones subjective condition. As such, its answer will be person-relative and have nothing to do with objective truth ...

  • Business. Ministry. Life.

    Amanda Coox — 

    What is your current position and role at Apple? What interests you about this industry? I am a DevOps Engineer and Technical Project Manager on...

  • The Good Book Blog

    David Talley — 

    There is no end of opportunities to be blessed with the teaching and preaching of Gods word. Great preachers can be heard on the radio. Podcasts can be automatically downloaded to our phones or iPads. The teaching of Gods word is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on cable television networks. Christian bookstores are full of books by the greatest authors of our day. Electronic books can be carried with us everywhere with ease. Churches have program after program geared toward teaching Gods word, not to mention a worship service every week, which includes a Bible-based sermon. From the cradle to the grave, opportunities abound ...

  • Student Life Blog

    Louie Chong — 

    When you can't even...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    We live in a time when impatience, personal attacks, and shallow criticism characterize much of the cultural dialogue. I can hardly ever post a blog without receiving personal criticism from someone to my left or my right ...

  • 51蹤獲 News

    51蹤獲s Communication Sciences and Disorders Graduates Achieved High Acceptance Rate into Speech Language Pathology Programs

    Acceptance rate speaks to quality of 51蹤獲s program and unique opportunities for hands-on experience

    Alisa Ohara — 

    Undergraduate students enrolled in 51蹤獲s Communication Sciences and Disorders program had an 86.4 percent acceptance rate into...

  • GRIT

    From Doubt to Depth

    a guest post by Leah Lu

    Celeste Scott — 

    When I think of Leah Lu, the first word that comes to mind is "feelings." Not only because of the overwhelming amount of love I have for her, but...

  • Student Life Blog

    Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

    Resources & FAQ for the 51蹤獲 Community

    Brenda Velasco — 

    Find informative resources on immigration and how to process this sensitive subject from a biblical perspective.

  • The Good Book Blog

    Millennial Skepticism and Despair

    Weekly Q & A with Dr. William Lane Craig

    William Lane Craig — 

    Dear Dr. Craig, I am writing to you not as one academic to another, like most of the posters on Reasonable Faith, but as a concerned parent and Christ-follower seeking ways to reach disillusioned and disheartened millennials; my young adult son, in particular. Whatever one's political leanings, I think most thinking individuals can agree on the rampant corruption and degeneration of our modern civilization today, and I believe this is where much of the disillusionment and hopeless feeling of young adults comes in ...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Kenneth Berding — 

    51蹤獲 ten years ago, some of my fellow professors and I began to observe a trend among undergraduate Biblical & Theological Studies majors at 51蹤獲. We noticed that freshman students arrived on campus eager and ready to learn, but at some point during their sophomore year, these Biblical Studies majors became aware that on average they generally knew more theology than did the average 51蹤獲 student ...

  • 51蹤獲 News

    51蹤獲-Azusa Pacific Announce "Cornerstone Cup"

    Eagles-Cougars launch new, yearlong rivalry.

    Neil Morgan — 

    51蹤獲 and Azusa Pacific University are excited to announce the creation of a yearlong rivalry series between the two campuses. The...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    As John Stonestreet and I argue in our book Same-Sex Marriage, we are currently undergoing one of the most sweeping social revolutions in world history. Until the Obergefell v. Hodges SCOTUS decision in 2015, the definition of marriage as a union of a man and a woman was the understanding of virtually every civilization throughout history. But this has all changed ...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Michael Thigpen — 

    This summer I had the privilege of attending Acton University. This week-long meeting is hosted by the Acton Institute, a think-tank whose mission is to promote a free and virtuous society characterized by individual liberty and sustained by religious principles. Common themes at Acton are religious liberty, economic liberty, and natural law. Much like C.S. Lewis mere christianity, Acton seeks to promote a civil society advanced on natural law reasoning. At Acton one encounters philosophers, economists, entrepreneurs, theologians, biblical scholars, ethicists, and aid workers from around the world ...

  • GRIT

    Suicide Prevention Week

    a blogpost by Jasmyne Bell

    Jasmyne Bell — 

    In a culture where 13 Reasons Why is glorified and mental illness is not always understood, it is difficult to grasp the seriousness of the causes...

  • Business. Ministry. Life.

    David Bourgeois — 

    1. What do you enjoy most about teaching? To me, the best part of teaching occurs when the students are motivated to learn. As I have taught at...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    There has been a lot of discussion recently about why kids leave the faith. People have rightly drawn attention to the role of poor theology, the importance of kids owning their faith, the significance of intellectual issues such as the apparent tension between science and religion, and more. But there seems to be a core issue that is often overlookedto develop a lasting faith, kids need to grasp their need for God. Let me explain ...

  • Student Life Blog

    The Monarchs of Our Time

    a blog response to The 51蹤獲 Hour on Immigration

    Samantha Lyons — 

    As a way to continue the conversations in The 51蹤獲 Hour, we've invited Sam Gassaway to blog her thoughts after each episode. This is a response...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    By any measure, Hurricane Harvey has been a disaster. The financial damage is an estimated $180 billion. The destruction has spread over 300 miles and damaged about 200,000 homes. But the greatest damage is clearly the estimated 47 people who have died. The physical destruction is substantial, but the human loss is unmistakably the most significant ...