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  • GRIT

    On Being White (And Talking 51蹤獲 It)

    a blog by Dr. Jamie Campbell

    Sarah Schwartz — 

    Professor Jamie Campbell is one of my favorite people (and voices) on campus. Like the students she writes about, I was raised to believe that all...

  • GRIT

    Sarah Schwartz — 

    The first time I stumbled across this piece, I was 22 years old, freshly heartbroken, and about to walk across the stage at my college graduation....

  • GRIT

    How to be a Young Leader

    a blog by Sharon Hodde Miller

    Sarah Schwartz — 

    If you arent familiar with Propel, get familiar! With the mission of celebrating every womans passion, purpose, and potential this organization...

  • GRIT

    Process Over Product

    an interview with Leticia Trujillo

    Lisa Igram — 

    One thing Ive learned in my 9 years working at 51蹤獲: 51蹤獲. Grads. Rock. Seriously, I am inspired by you. Some of you are stay-at-home moms, in...

  • GRIT

    51蹤獲s Founders, The Resurrection & You

    a chapel talk by Katelyn Beaty

    Lisa Igram — 

    Katelyn Beaty speaks on the ways God has used women throughout scripture to accomplish his kingdom work.

  • GRIT

    With God in the Questions

    an interview with Whitney Luigs

    Lisa Igram — 

    Quick quiz: What do the letters in BIOLA stand for? Answer: Bible Institute of Los Angeles. 51蹤獲 was founded by a group of women and men who...

  • GRIT

    Mental Health and Depression

    a chapel talk by Dr. Michelle Willingham

    Elizabeth Pintarich — 

    At age 13, my family and I experienced 7 deaths in one year. Some were family, some were friendssome were expected, and one was a complete...

  • GRIT

    Moses, a Burning Bush, and Our Calling

    a blog post by Bianca Ju獺rez Olthoff

    Lisa Igram — 

    Over the years Ive had the privilege of sitting with many 51蹤獲 students, and I hear this question arise from the depths of their souls over and over again...

  • GRIT

    Sanctified through Uncertainty

    an interview with Cherilyn Gan

    Lisa Igram — 

    51蹤獲 hopes that its graduates will impact the world for the Lord Jesus Christ. Well heres someone who is. Cherilyn was a global student at...

  • GRIT

    With God in the Valley of Shadow

    a torrey session by Dr. Christina Lee Kim

    Lisa Igram — 

    I have deep respect for Dr. Christina Lee Kim. Ive had the opportunity to hear her speak on several occasions, and I am consistently struck by...

  • GRIT

    At the End of a Short Rope

    a chapel talk by Shelly Cunningham

    Alex Bell — 

    If you are anything like me, stopping can be hard. When you think about the work you need to get done, and the friends who need your attention, it...

  • GRIT

    Our Role in the Making

    a missions conference session by Megan Fate Marshman

    Alex Bell — 

    Freshman year is HARD. It's the little thoughts of self doubt and the ever so present lack of a mom telling you how AMAZING you are at the end of...

  • GRIT

    Alex Bell — 

    As life after college seems to be closing in on me, I have often asked myself how I will continue to learn and not grow stagnant. This piece by...

  • GRIT

    The Breakup your Career (and Identity) Need

    a blog post by Victoria Sowell

    Alex Bell — 

    I wish someone would read this piece to me as a bedtime story...and right when I wake up...and when Im getting ready & looking at myself in...

  • GRIT

    Alex Bell — 

    more than those who have intangibly impacted my life are those who have loved me, guided me, and made a forever impact face-to-face. My moms...

  • GRIT


    an article by Christena Cleveland

    Alex Bell — 

    I am a self proclaimed perfectionist. Ive been this way since I was a young girland now that Im older, I understand how my perfectionism has...

  • GRIT

    Discernment: Decision Making & Leadership Opportunities

    a chapel by Spiritual Development Staff

    Alex Bell — 

    When I hear the word discernment my stomach does somersaults. Its an idea thats hard to grasp and even harder to put into practice. Sometimes...

  • GRIT

    Alex Bell — 

    Martha Daniel graduated from high school during the peak of the Civil Rights movement and was the first African American to be integrated to her...

  • Student Life Blog

    Mike Ahn — 

    Mike Ahn sits down with Adam Edgerly, 51蹤獲 Trustee and Pastor at NewSong Los Angeles, to discuss the topic of diversity.

  • The Good Book Blog

    Joy Mosbarger — 

    This is the first part of a five-part series of blogs that chronicle the journey of a cohort of business leaders who together pursued deeper relationships with God and the integration of the resulting spiritual transformation in their personal lives into their roles as leaders in their businesses, and ultimately into the culture of their businesses as a whole ...

  • Student Life Blog

    Mike Ahn — 

    Mike Ahn sits down to discuss author Nancy Yuen's new book, "Reel Inequality," which examines modern racism in Hollywood.

  • The Good Book Blog

    William Lane Craig — 

    Dear Dr. Craig, As a former New Atheist and student of philosophy in United Kingdom, I have found your arguments for a creative intelligent mind behind the origin of the universe rather fascinating and compelling. Though, I have several insoluble dilemmas which I wonder if you could unpick and make sense of. First of all, you invoke the KCA as your initial premise for belief in God (a God who created something rather than nothing). You're argument I believe to be valid, but listening to your debate with Dr. Lawrence Krauss, you said some interesting things which in-turn could provide a problem for the KCA and indeed the argument you use from Leibniz. Your answer to the question, "Why is there something rather than nothing?", was essentially the KCA, or in other words, God is the explanation for this question ...

  • Student Life Blog

    Allen Yeh — 

    This is the second installation of our two part series on pursuing grad school in theology . Whats the difference between a British vs. American...

  • 51蹤獲 News

    51蹤獲 Extends FirstGen Scholarship Program For Second Year

    51蹤獲 FirstGen Scholars Program Continues to Fall 2017

    Victoria Valdivia — 

    At the start of the Fall 2016 semester, 51蹤獲s Student Enrichment and Intercultural Development (SEID) launched the FirstGen Scholars Program, a...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Sean McDowell — 

    Where is culture headed for the next decade? And what does this mean for our relationships, jobs, and task as apologists and influencers of the next generation? I recently read the excellent book The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future and want to highlight the twelve trends that the author, Kevin Kelly, believes will shape the future. Its hard to disagree with his insights ...