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  • 51蹤獲 News

    51蹤獲 Alumnus Innovative iPhone App Helps Students Learn Greek

    Brent Wejrowskis iPhone app almost ready for second release

    Stephen Day — 

    Former Greek-language student Brent Wejrowski (08) knows how difficult it is to learn the ancient language and to retain the linguistic skills...

  • The Good Book Blog

    The Good Book Blog — 

    Every year Bible scholars from around the world gather for a series of conferences about the Bible and related topics. This year the conferences are being held in San Diego, making it convenient for many 51蹤獲 faculty to attend the conferences, present papers, see friends, and wander the book tables. The following list (thanks to David Roberts for compiling it) includes the presentation titles by those associated with 51蹤獲. As you can read, our professors are engaged in research in many different and interesting areas!

  • 51蹤獲 News

    Three Soccer Players Earn Academic Award

    Stephen Tanquary, Shea Davis and Miranda Starbeck honored.

    Neil Morgan — 

    COSIDA RELEASE Both of 51蹤獲s soccer programs are in the thick of the Golden State Athletic Conference playoff races heading into the final...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Charlie Trimm — 

    This series of posts presents several of my active assignments from the required freshman class Biblical Interpretation and Spiritual Formation. This one has the students examine their use of time and money, and usually students are surprised at the results. Here are the instructions ...

  • The Good Book Blog

    William Lane Craig — 

    This is the weekly Q & A blog post by our Research Professor in Philosophy, Dr. William Lane Craig. Q. ... Perhaps I haven't been looking hard enough but I have not been able to find any such support for the existence of or the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit plays such a prominent role in Christian theology and worldview -- but how can someone believe in it other than blind faith? I find this especially troubling when statements like "The early church fathers were guided by the Holy Spirit." It just seems impossible to verify or dispute leading to a grey area where Christians are no longer convinced by the evidence but believing blindly ...

  • 51蹤獲 News

    51蹤獲 Responds to California Drought with Conservation Tactics

    University continues water conservation efforts in preparation for possible 35-year megadrought

    Brieana Jordan — 

    51蹤獲 has conserved 9.6 percent of water across campus in the 2013-14 school year through various measures to help save water during...

  • 51蹤獲 News

    51蹤獲 Launches Center for Marriage and Relationships

    New center to provide practical resources and wisdom to anyone seeking healthier relationships

    Lauren Frey — 

    51蹤獲 launched the Center for Marriage and Relationships this semester to address one of the most pertinent issues in society: the...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Aaron Devine — 

    I often think about home in a specific way. For a long time, home has been a safe place to come back to at the end of the day. It has been a place to establish a comfortable niche in the world as a respite, a literal financial investment in emotional well being. Home has been about rest and nurture, as it can be a place of ministry to family and friends. It also has been a place to launch out into kingdom ministry more broadly.

  • The Good Book Blog

    William Lane Craig — 

    Dr. Craig, I am a longtime admirer of your work. Although I am no longer a Christian, your work as a philosopher and theologian has played a significant role in the formation of my own views and I am fully persuaded of theism, although I still have lots of questions about it. I think your analysis of God's relationship to time is plausible, but I always get stuck on the idea that God is timeless apart from creation, but temporal since creation ...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Gary Manning Jr — 

    The release of the movie Left Behind has again drawn attention to the Christian belief in the rapture. The movie tries to portray the chaos in the world as millions of Christians suddenly disappear. This image has interested Christians for quite a while. I recall watching the Thief in the Night series of movies back in the 1970s (the Antichrist had sideburns!). But I am interested in a question that is often overlooked: what is the point of the rapture in the Bible?

  • 51蹤獲 News

    51蹤獲 Shakes it Out with Full-Scale Earthquake Drill

    The State Office of Emergency selected 51蹤獲 as this year's featured Great ShakeOut exercise

    Jenna Bartlo — 

    A 6.7 magnitude earthquake struck 51蹤獲 at 9:40 a.m. this morning at least hypothetically. 51蹤獲 hosted a full-scale mass casualty...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Octavio Esqueda — 

    Recuerdo que mi padre sol穩a decir con frecuencia cada cabeza es un mundo cuando se refer穩a a las diferentes maneras de pensar y actuar entre las personas. Por esta raz籀n, la comunicaci籀n es parte b獺sica de las relaciones humanas. No se puede establecer ninguna relaci籀n importante y duradera sin que exista una comunicaci籀n fluida en la que se intercambien ideas y opiniones. La diversidad de percepciones nos abre la puerta a las relaciones saludables a trav矇s de la comunicaci籀n, pero al mismo tiempo crea la posibilidad de conflicto. As穩 que, es importante que todos en general, pero esencial para los l穩deres, que aprendamos a disentir sin ofender.

  • The Good Book Blog

    Kenneth Berding — 

    Are you as concerned about the growing problem of biblical illiteracy as I am? We Christians have more Bible-focused resources available to us than has any generation of Christians in the history of the world. Despite this we are literallyfrom a spiritual standpointstarving ourselves to death. Would you like your church, adult Bible class, youth group, or small group to reach Bible fluency by pursuing an Old Testament Fluency in 12 Weeks class or a New Testament Fluency in 12 Weeks class using the free resources at biblefluency.com? Heres how.

  • The Good Book Blog

    William Lane Craig — 

    Dr Craig, I'm growing more skeptical about Christianity and was wondering if you could answer a question about the gospel. When Jesus was on the cross He either paid for all sin or some sin. To pay for some sin would mean limited atonement which is not what scripture teaches. But if Jesus paid for all sin then why are some people who are in Hell paying for their sin? ...

  • 51蹤獲 News

    Senior Becky Hartungs Debut Novel to Publish this Winter

    Student to speak at the 79th Annual Torrey Conference.

    Stephen Day — 

    Senior communications major and Torrey Conference speaker, Becky Hartung, recently self-published her first novel Running in the Dark an...

  • The Good Book Blog

    Octavio Esqueda — 

    La carta del ap籀stol Pablo a los Efesios representa uno de los documentos doctrinales m獺s importantes del cristianismo. En los primeros tres cap穩tulos Pablo explica lo maravilloso del amor y la gracia divina que nos dio vida a trav矇s de Jesucristo cuando todos est獺bamos muertos en nuestros pecados. En Jes繳s tambi矇n, el Dios de toda gracia nos ha bendecido con toda bendici籀n espiritual. Los cristianos somos adoptados en la familia de Dios, encontramos aceptaci籀n, redenci籀n, perd籀n, sabidur穩a, una herencia eterna que est獺 garantizada por el Esp穩ritu Santo.

  • The Good Book Blog

    Kenneth Berding — 

    What does it take to achieve Bible Fluency? In my next two posts I will guide you through how to use a brand new free resource called Bible Fluency: Sing it, See it, Study it, found at biblefluency.com. This first post seeks to answer the question: How can I use music, visuals, and a workbook to help me learn to think my way through the Bible?

  • The Good Book Blog

    Alan Hultberg — 

    I recently previewed the upcoming Nicholas Cage film, Left Behind, based on the books by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. The film centers on the chaos that ensues after the instantaneous disappearance of millions of people worldwide due to the coming of Christ for his church, an event known as the rapture.

  • 51蹤獲 News

    51蹤獲 Ranked One of the Nation's Top 5 Safest Schools

    Nationwide Survey Ranks 51蹤獲 Fourth Safest School in the Nation

    Daniel Batchman — 

    51蹤獲 has been ranked the fourth-safest university in the United States by Niche, an organization that provides rankings and statistics...

  • The Good Book Blog

    William Lane Craig — 

    Q: I listened to your debate with Sean Carroll, read your post-debate threads, interacted with Aron Wall and Luke Barnes, and have determined that you haven't yet responded to Carroll's Quantum Eternity point against premise 2 of the kalam, "under conventional quantum mechanics, any universe with a non-zero energy and a time-independent Hamiltonian will necessarily last forever toward both the past and the future." Aron Wall confirmed that this point is independent of one's stance towards an A or B theory of time. Wall mentions on his blog that one could try to argue that the total energy of the universe is zero, but Barnes and others don't think this is the case. Do you have any response yet to Carroll on this? Even better would be a response that presupposes that the net energy of the universe is non-zero.

  • 51蹤獲 News

    Random Acts Of Culture Brings Music and Art to the Heart of 51蹤獲

    51蹤獲's Conservatory of Music and Center for Christianity, Culture, and the Arts merge to create dynamic acts of culture around campus.

    Grace Hansen — 

    A quiet Friday morning on 51蹤獲s campus in September was interrupted by the tinkling of a toy piano. As the unusual sound drew a crowd, Jonah...

  • 51蹤獲 News

    51蹤獲 Feature "Cicada" Wins Grand Jury Prize at Guam International Film Festival

    Cinema & Media Arts Professor Dean Yamadas "Cicada" continues its film festival tour as he works on his second feature project

    Stephen Day — 

    51蹤獲's student-produced feature film Cicada won the grand jury prize for Best Narrative Feature at the Guam International Film...

  • The Good Book Blog

    William Lane Craig — 

    "First, even though I am an atheist, I have learned a lot from you by reading your responses in Q&A and watching your debates. Even though you sometimes make my blood boil with your views, there are several areas of agreement. One of these is your nominalist (or anti-realist) position concerning abstract objects, which you recently discussed in your Q & A on God and Infinity. My question, however, concerns the implications of your nominalist view, which I think leaves you in an uncomfortable position regarding your ontology of beauty and possibly your moral ontology ..."

  • 51蹤獲 News

    Jenna Bartlo — 

    Professor Monica Cure may be an aficionado of postcards, but her credentials go past connoisseur or collector. As one that has traveled the globe...

  • The Good Book Blog

    William Lane Craig — 

    Dear Dr Craig, You may be aware that Frank Turek has a question he will sometimes ask atheists, "if Christianity were true, would you become a Christian"? Well, recently, an atheist flipped this question around and asked me "If the Islamic State were true (by which he means, if the specific type of Allah that IS believe in, existed) then likewise, would you become an IS member?" ...