
The Review of Academic Proposals and Programs (RAPP) team exists to support academic departments proposing the launch of a new program or substantive changes to an existing program. As a collaborative partner, RAPP provides academic leadership with a forum for discussing the proposal with experienced leaders from supporting departments, focusing on the development of strong programs that contribute to the success of the university.

Program leadership should consult RAPP during the early stages of the process for advice and feedback; a presentation should be made to RAPP when the program is ready to be submitted. During this presentation, program leadership will be expected to provide evidence of student enrollment demand, demonstrate a potential program’s financial sustainability, and answer questions related to implementation.

RAPP’s recommendation is required before a program can be submitted through the appropriate curriculum process. Once a program is fully approved, RAPP will be responsible to monitor its progress through the pre-implementation phase and probationary period. See the new program approval process document for full details.

At the request of the Provost or an academic dean, RAPP is also available to consult with the leadership of underperforming programs. The consultation will consist of a review of enrollment trends, program financial performance, student retention and attrition, program course requirements, class sizes, comparison against benchmarks, and other information relevant to the analysis.

The Review of Academic Proposals and Programs (RAPP) is commissioned by the Office of the Provost and the President's Cabinet.

Group Members

Assistant Provost for Program Development, Director, RAPP Committee
Director of Educational Effectiveness
Director of Graduate Admissions
University Registrar
Director of Undergraduate Admissions
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