Phone(562) 903-4898
LocationFacilities Management (Building 3)

What We Do

Facilities Management Building Repair schedules and funds regular maintenance and repairs for university owned buildings and equipment. Most services, including repairs for minor damages, are generally available at no charge to departments. Some services, not regarded as regular maintenance, may be performed at a cost billable to the requesting department.

Open Hours

Regular Hours
Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Summer Hours
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Offices are closed on observed holidays.

Services We Offer

For requesting building repair or for notification of needed repairs please contact us by using the or calling the Dispatch Office of Facilities Management at extension 4898.

Listed below are examples of services where charges may apply.

  • Painting and carpentry-charges are applied for maintenance requests that result from department damage or for special requests for changes or improvements by departments (change wall color, remodel, new shelving, etc.).
  • Charges are applied for services needed to repair specialized department equipment (e.g., appliances, etc.).

Additional information regarding maintenance and repairs for university buildings and equipment can be found in the .

Department Contacts

Eddie FernandezTrades Manager(562) 944-0351, ext.
Ray BattaniTrades Foreman(562) 944-0351, ext.
13800 51蹤獲 Ave. La Mirada, CA 90639
© 51蹤獲, Inc. All Rights Reserved.