DepartmentTorrey Honors College
51蹤獲 AffiliationsFaculty
Phone(562) 906-4555 (Torrey Honors College)



  • Ph.D., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
  • M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary
  • M.A., Talbot School of Theology
  • B.A., 51蹤獲

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Dr. Adam Johnson is a theologian who focuses on the doctrine of the atonement, exploring the many ways in which the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ effect the reconciliation of all things to God. Johnson and his family lead the Torrey National Parks class every summer.


  • Evangelical Theological Society
  • American Academy of Religion
  • Karl Barth Society of North America


  • C.B. Bjuge Outstanding Thesis Award Trinity Evangelical Divinity School 2011 Bannockburn, IL.
  • St. Anne's Award for the Outstanding Graduate  Torrey Honors College 2001 La Mirada, CA.



    • Atonement and the Life of Faith, Johnson, A., (Baker Academic, 2024).
    • 5 Views on the Extent of the Atonement, ed. Johnson, A., (Zondervan, 2019).
    • T&T Clark Companion to the Atonement, ed. Johnson, A., (T&T Clark, 2017).
    • The Reconciling Wisdom of God: Reframing the Doctrine of the Atonement, Johnson, A., (Lexham Press, 2016).
    • Atonement: A Guide for the Perplexed, Johnson, A., (T&T Clark, 2015).
    • Gods Being in Reconciliation: The Theological Basis of the Unity and Diversity of the Atonement in the Theology of Karl Barth, Johnson, A., (T&T Clark, 2012).


    • The Spirit of the Atonement: The Holy Spirit in Christ's Death and Resurrection, Johnson, A. and Hayshida, T., Religions, September 2022.
    • The History of the Doctrine of Atonement, Johnson, A., Criswell Theological Review, June 2021.
    • Theories and Theoria of the Atonement: A Proposal, Johnson, A., International Journal of Systematic Theology, March 2021.
    • Stump's Modified Anselmianism: A Review Article of Eleonore Stump's 'Atonement,' Johnson, A., Journal of Reformed Theology, December 2019.
    • Where Demons Fear to Tread: Venturing into an Obscure Corner of the Doctrine of the Atonement Regarding the Un-fallen Angels, Johnson, A., Journal of Reformed Theology, January 2015.
    • The Crucified Bridegroom: Christs Atoning Death in St. John of the Cross and Spiritual Formation Today, Johnson, A., Pro Ecclesia, November 2012.
    • The Servant Lord: The Role of the Munus Triplex in the Theology of Karl Barth, Johnson, A., Scottish Journal of Theology, May 2012.
    • A Temple Framework of the Atonement, Johnson, A., Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, January 2011.
    • A Fuller Account: The Role of 'Fittingness' in Thomas Aquinas' Development of the Doctrine of the Atonement, Johnson, A., International Journal of Systematic Theology, June 2010.

    Book Chapters

    • Atonement and Sin, in The New Cambridge Companion to Doctrine, Johnson, A., ed. Allen, M. (Cambridge, 2023), pp. 87-102.
    • Atonement and Theodicy, in T&T Clark Companion to Suffering and the Problem of Evil, Johnson, A., ed. Grebe, M. and Gr繹sl, J. (T & T Clark, 2023), pp. 306-14.
    • Atonement, in Reformed Dogmatics in Dialogue: The Theology of Karl Barth and Jonathan Edwards, Johnson, A., ed. Anizor, U. and Strobel, K. (Lexham, 2022), pp. 219-36.
    • Barths on the Atonement, in Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Karl Barth, Johnson, A., ed. Hunsinger, G. and Johnson, K. (Wiley-Blackwell, 2020), 147-58.
    • Barth and Boethius on Stellvertretung and Personhood, in Being Saved: Explorations in Human Salvation, Johnson, A., ed. Cortez, M., Farris, J., and Hamilton, M. (SCM Press, 2018).
    • Atonement: The Shape and State of the Doctrine, in T&T Clark Companion to the Atonement, Johnson, Adam J., ed. Johnson, A. (T & T Clark, 2017), pp. 1-18.
    • Atoning Wisdom: The Wisdom of God in the Way of Salvation, in Locating Atonement: Explorations in Constructive Dogmatics, Strobel, K. and Johnson, A., ed. Crisp, O. and Sanders, F. (Zondervan, 2015), pp. 89-100.


    God's Being in Reconciliation: The Theological Basis of the Unity and Diversity of the Atonement in the Theology of Karl Barth (T&T Clark Studies in Systematic Theology)
    Atonement: A Guide for the Perplexed (Guides for the Perplexed)
    Atonement and the Life of Faith
    Five Views on the Extent of the Atonement
    T&T Clark Companion to Atonement
    The Reconciling Wisdom of God: Reframing the Doctrine of the Atonement
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