DepartmentRosemead School of Psychology
51蹤獲 AffiliationsFaculty
Phone(562) 903-4867 (Rosemead School of Psychology)



  • Ph.D., University of North Texas
  • M.S., University of North Texas
  • M.A., Wheaton College
  • B.A., Baylor University


Dr. Andrew Shelton received his Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology from the University of North Texas and Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology from Wheaton College. Prior to joining 51蹤獲, he was on faculty at Azusa Pacific University for five years, teaching and mentoring undergraduate and graduate students. His research focuses on the intersection of attachment theory, positive psychology and multicultural psychology. As a practicing counseling psychologist and family therapist, he is interested in culturally relevant positive processes,, cultural models of relating, and how these contribute to wellness among immigrant families and youth of color. As a third culture kid from Argentina, much of his clinical work and research has been with Hispanic immigrant families and college students. Outside of the university, he and his family have enjoyed being in leadership at La Casa Church, a new bilingual church plant.


  • American Psychological Association
  • Western Psychological Association
  • National Latinx Psychological Association


  • Mentor, Scholarly Undergraduate Research Experience Azusa Pacific University 2021 Azusa, CA.
  • Junior Faculty Mentoring Fellowship Azusa Pacific University 2019-21 Azusa, CA.
  • Dr. G. Frank Lawlis Scholarship University of North Texas 2017 Denton, TX.


  • Multiculturalism and diversity in integration journals: A content analysis of JPT and JPC, Shelton, A. J., Dwiwardani, C., Journal of Psychology and Theology, 2022.
  • Attachment and mental health in the COVID-19 pandemic: Posttraumatic growth and religion as moderators, Shelton, A.J., Dwiwardani, C., Oda, A., Religions, 2022.
  • Work Needs Satisfaction Scale-Spanish Version: Psychometric properties and validity evidence, Autin, K. L., Shelton, A. J., Garcia, R. G., Diaz Tapia, W. A., Cadenas, G. A., Journal of Career Assessment, 2022.
  • Parental bipolar disorder and attachment insecurity in young adults, Ruggero, C. J., Shelton, A. J., Bennett, C. B., Dornbach-Bender, A., & Potts, A., The American Journal of Family Therapy, 2022.
  • Testing the Psychology of Working Theory among Spanish-speaking Latinx workers in the U.S., Autin, K. L., Shelton, A. J., Diaz Tapia, W. A., Garcia, R. G., & Cadenas, G. A., Journal of Career Assessment, 2021.
  • Attachment and wellness among Latinx immigrants: Meaning-in-life, belonging, and hope as mediators, Shelton, A. J., Wang, C. D., Carbajal, I., The Counseling Psychologist, 2020.
  • Adult attachment among US Latinos: Validation of the Spanish Experiences in Close Relationships Scale, Shelton, A. J., Wang, C. D., Journal of Latina/o Psychology, 2018.
  • Perceived social support and mental health: Cultural orientations as moderators, Shelton, A. J., Wang, C. D, Zhu, W., Journal of College Counseling, 2017.
  • Una cuesti籀n de percepci籀n: Impacto de diferencias de valores entre paciente y terapeuta sobre alianza y resultados [A matter of perception: Revisiting client and therapist value differences in psychotherapy outcome], Hogan, L. R., Callahan, J. L., Shelton, A. J., Revista Argentina de Cl穩nica Psicol籀gica, 2016.
  • Birth complications and parental stress reactions: Moderated by family coping, Janis, B. M., Callahan, J. L., Shelton, A. J., & Aubuchon-Endsley, N. L., Practice Innovations, 2016.
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