DepartmentsRosemead School of Psychology
Undergraduate Psychology Department
51蹤獲 AffiliationsFaculty
Phones(562) 903-4867 (Rosemead School of Psychology)
(562) 903-4738 (Undergraduate Psychology Department)
Office LocationRose Hall



  • Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Rosemead School of Psychology
  • M.A., Clinical Psychology, Rosemead School of Psychology
  • B.A., Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles

Member of


Christina Lee Kim is an associate professor of psychology at 51蹤獲 and a licensed clinical psychologist. She currently serves as the psychology department chair and teaches primarily in the undergraduate psychology program, while supervising doctoral level research in the graduate program. Her research interests include cross-cultural and multicultural psychology, mental health issues and the church, Asian-American psychology, and the use of qualitative research methods. Dr. Kim and her husband and their three daughters reside in Fullerton and are members of Crossway OC church where Dr. Kim serves as one of the worship leaders.


  • American Psychological Association
  • California Psychological Association


Peer-reviewed publications:
  • Nam, E., Kim, C.L., & Canada, A. (2022). Examining generational differences, sociocultural variables, and clergy-mental health professional collaboration in Korean American clergy response to intimate partner violence. Journal of Family Violence, DOI: 10.1007/s10896-022-00424-3
  • Kim, C.L. (2021). The Good Mother. In N.W. Yuen & D. Collier-Goubil (Eds.), Power Women: Stories of Motherhood, Faith, & the Academy (pp. 81-97). InterVarsity Press.
  • Blea, J., Wang, D.C., Kim, C.L., Lowe, G., Austad, J., Amponsah, M., Johnston, N. (2021). The experience of financial well-being, shame, and mental health outcomes in seminary students. Pastoral Psychology,
  • Davis, E. B., Plante, T. G., Grey, M. J., Kim, C. L., Freeman-Coppadge, D., Lefevor, T., Paulez, J. A., Giwa, S., Lasser, J., Stratton, S. P., Deneke, E., & Glowiak, K. (2021). The role of civility and cultural humility in navigating controversial areas in psychology. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 8(2), 7987.
  • Davis, J., Kim, C.L., Anderson, T.L., Finger, R. (2020). Embryo recipients considerations of connections with donors. Adoption Quarterly, 
  • Robertson, L.G., Anderson, T.L., Hall, M.E.L., & Kim, C.L. (2019). Mothers and mental labor: A phenomenological focus group study of family-related thinking work. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 43(2), 184-200. DOI: 10.1177/0361684319825581
  • Campbell, C. D. & Kim, C. L. (2015). The conscience clause in religious-distinctive programs. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 9, 279-285.
  • Kim, C. L., Hall, M. E. L., Anderson, T. L., & Willingham, M. (2011). Coping with discrimination in academia: Asian-American and Christian perspectives. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 2(4), 291-305.
  • Kim, C. L., Anderson, T. L., Hall, M. E. L., & Willingham, M. (2010). Asian and female in the White Gods world: A qualitative exploration of discrimination in Christian academia. Mental Health, Religion, and Culture, 13(5), 453-465.


    • Kim, C.L., Munoz, F., & Jupiter, A. (January, 2024). Therapist authenticity and intersectional identity in a time of sociopolitical stress. Roundtable discussion at the National Multicultural Summit and Conference, Santa Fe., NM.
    • Kim, C.L., Shelton, A., Abouezzeddine, T., Rios-Lam, K. (January, 2024). Walking with students through their faith deconstruction journey. Roundtable discussion at the National Multicultural Summit and Conference, Santa Fe., NM.
    • Kim, C.L., Yuen, J., & McFarland, T. (January, 2022). Is silence always violence? The complexities of Asian-American responses to racial injustice. Roundtable discussion at the National Multicultural Summit and Conference, Virtual.
    • Blea, J., Kim, C.L., & Wang, D.C. (August, 2021). Exploring gender role, shame, and marital satisfaction in Christian seminary students. Poster presented at the APA Annual Convention, (Virtual) San Diego, CA.
    • Kim, C.L., Valencia G., Yoshinaka, R.L., Cordill, D.J., & Riggan, S.A. (August, 2021). Digital learning modules for teaching intercultural competence in the Introductory Psychology course. Poster presented at the APA Annual Convention (Div 2 Teaching of Psychology), San Diego, CA.
    • Nam, E., Kim, C.L., & Canada, A. (August, 2021). The role of clergy-mental health collaboration in Korean American clergy response to intimate partner violence. Poster presented at the APA Annual Convention, (Virtual) San Diego, CA.
    • Reierson, L.E., Kim, C. L., & Wang, D.C. (August, 2021). Cultural adjustment and the impact of secular and spiritual community on young adults teaching abroad: A phenomenological study. Poster presented at the APA Annual Convention (Division 36 Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality), San Diego, CA.
    • Yoo, C., Kim, C.L., Canada, A., & Page, K. (August, 2021). Korean American clergy attitudes toward counseling and willingness to refer. Poster presented at the APA Annual Convention, (Virtual) San Diego, CA.
    • Onoe, D., Kim, C.L., & Eltiti, S. (August, 2019). "Baa," mass media, and Buddhist counseling: A qualitative study of mental health practices in Thailand. Poster presentation presented at the American Psychological Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
    • Davis, E. B., Plante, T. G., Grey, M. J., Kim, C. L., Freeman-Coppadge, D., Lefevor, T., Paulez, J. A., Giwa, S., Lasser, J., Stratton, S. P., Deneke, E., & Glowiak, K. (August, 2019). The role of civility and cultural humility in navigating controversial areas in psychology. Symposium presentation at the American Psychological Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
    • Kim, C.L., Taylor, M.A., & Paxton, A. (January, 2019). Cultural humility in the multicultural supervision relationship: Opportunities and challenges. Roundtable discussion at the National Multicultural Summit and Conference, Denver, CO.
    • Utter, K.C., Davis, J., Skinner, S., Kim, C.L., & Anderson, T. (October, 2018). Frozen hopes: embryo adoption, coping, and loss. Paper presentation at the Involuntary Pregnancy Loss (IPL) Conference, Bensalem, PA.
    • Hyun, J., Kim, C.L., Canada, A., & Kim, H. (August, 2018). Facilitating South Koreans help-seeking attitudes toward mental health services. Poster presentation presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.
    • Jho, J., Kim, C.L., & Canada, A. (August, 2018). Body image, the influence of media, and the pursuit of plastic surgery in South Koreans. Poster presentation presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.
    • Yuen, N.W., Kim, C.L., & Wang, M.S. (March, 2018). Higher callings: Balancing motherhood, ministry, & careers in the Christian academy, Breakout session at the CCCU Advancing Women in Leadership Conference, Azusa, CA.

    Areas of Expertise for Media Interviews

    • Counseling
    • Cross-cultural Issues
    • Cultural Diversity
    • Mental Health
    • Multicultural Issues
    • Psychology
    • Psychotherapy
    • Women
    • Asian-American Mental Health Issues
    • Asian-American Psychology
    • Microaggressions
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