Donald Sunukjian's lifelong love has been preaching, both as a pastor and a teacher. His passion is to see God's Word presented with accuracy, clarity, interest and relevance. With doctorates in theology and communication and 14 years as a senior pastor, he brings both scholarship and experience to the classroom. He has contributed to The Bible Knowledge Commentary, Biblical Preaching, Bibliotheca Sacra, Walvoord: A Tribute and The Big Idea of Biblical Preaching. Sunukjian has conducted pastors' conferences in most metropolitan centers of the United States and maintains a regular preaching schedule.
Books, Articles, Audio Tapes
- Three books in the series "Biblical Preaching for the Contemporary Church" entitled Invitation to Philippians: Building a Great Church Through Humility, Invitation to James: Persevering Through Trials to Win the Crown, and Invitation to the Life of Jacob: Winning Through Losing (Wooster, OH: Weaver Book Company, 2014)
- Five sermons (2 from Mark, 2 from Joshua, and 1 from I Corinthians) featured on Christianity Todays
- Invitation to Biblical Preaching; Preaching the Truth with Clarity and Relevance, a textbook on homiletics, published by Kregel Academic and Professional, 2007. Pp. 375. Translated into French, Korean, and Spanish.
- The Cripples Story (2 Samuel 1-9), pp. 156-161 in Effective First-Person Biblical
Preaching, by J. Kent Edwards, Zondervan, 2005.
- Thirteen sermons from the book of Philippians accepted for feature publication by
Christianity Today on and
(sites with 10,000 paid subscribers.)
- Topical Preaching Can Be Biblical, article appearing on,
May 2005.
- The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching. Contributing author. Zondervan 2005. Haddon Robinson and Craig Brian Larson, General Editors.
- The Shape of a Sermon in Preaching to a Shifting Culture. Edited by Scott M. Gibson. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2004. Pp. 113-128.
- The Shortest Distance Between Two Points is a Zig Zag, Audio tape distributed by Preaching Today, 2004.
- What Does It Look Like in Real Life?, 2003.
- Excerpts from Preaching Today (#202) reprinted in Men of Integrity, published by CTI in association with Promise Keepers, 2003.