DepartmentsDivision of Biblical and Theological Studies
Talbot School of Theology
51蹤獲 AffiliationsFaculty
Phone(562) 903-4814 (Talbot School of Theology)


  • Ph.D., New Testament, University of Aberdeen
  • Th.M., New Testament, Talbot School of Theology
  • M.A., New Testament, Talbot School of Theology
  • B.A., Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara


Dr. Jeannine Hanger has been involved in the 51蹤獲 community since 2000. She earned a Master of Arts (2004) and Master of Theology (2009) at Talbot in New Testament Studies and has been teaching undergraduates in an adjunct role since 2009. She recently completed her doctoral studies (2021) at the University of Aberdeen, also in the New Testament. Her research interests revolve around the Gospels. More specifically she has enjoyed exploring literary approaches to texts seen alongside their ancient world contexts. Her thesis focused on participation with Christ in Johns Gospel, which led to an examination of sensory imagery, metaphor, and sense perception in ancient texts. These embodied approaches highlight concrete, tangible, and affective qualities of participation with Christ. This ties into her heart for students to know God through the Word with every aspect of their beings: heart, soul, mind, and strength. As the wife of a pastor, Jeannine has also been deeply invested in the local church. Most recently, she and her husband have enjoyed launching Coastline Covenant Church alongside dear friends in ministry. They live with their three teenaged children in the South Bay.


  • Society of Biblical Literature
  • Evangelical Theological Society
  • Institute for Biblical Research


  • Zondervan Outstanding Masters Thesis Award- Talbot School of Theology 2009
  • Audrey Talbot Award for Bible Exposition- Talbot School of Theology 2002


  • "The Role of Touch in Comprehending Love: Jesuss Foot Washing in John 13, Journal for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies (forthcoming, 2022).


  • Annual Meeting, Society of Biblical Literature. "Tasting the Bread of Life: A Sensory Analysis of John 6." To be presented November 2021.
  • Annual Meeting, Institute for Biblical Research. "The Sounds and Smells of Death and Life: A Sensory Analysis of John 11:1-12:8." To be presented November 2021.
  • New Testament Research Seminar, University of Wales, Trinity Saint David. Participating with Jesus through the Physical Senses: A Sensory Analysis of the I Am Sayings in the Fourth Gospel, June 2021.
  • Annual Meeting, Society of Biblical Literature. The Role of Touch in Comprehending Love: Jesuss Foot Washing in John 13, December 2020.
  • Annual Meeting, Evangelical Theological Society. The Role of Touch in Jesuss Foot Washing: John 13, November 2020.
  • Aberdeen Postgraduate Student Conference. My Sheep Hear My Voice: Sensory Analysis of John 1011, June 2019.
  • Aberdeen Postgraduate Student Conference. Eating the Bread of Life, September 2017.
  • Aberdeen Postgraduate Conference. Engaging with Jesus through the Predicated I Am Sayings in John: How the Physical Senses Operate to Make this Union More Tangible, May 2017.


  • Beginning Greek Grammar
  • Biblical Interpretation
  • Biblical Communication
  • Reading, Understanding and Interpreting Scripture
  • Biblical Interpretation & Spiritual Formation


Areas of Expertise for Media Interviews

  • Bible
  • New Testament
  • Spiritual Formation
  • Ministry
  • Church
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