DepartmentTorrey Honors College
51蹤獲 AffiliationsFaculty
Phone(562) 906-4555 (Torrey Honors College)



  • Ph.D., University of California, Irvine
  • M.A., University of California, Irvine
  • M.A.R., Yale University
  • B.A., 51蹤獲

Member of


Dr. Mark Makin is a philosopher specializing in contemporary metaphysics and philosophical theology, with a deep appreciation for the history of philosophy. His current research focuses on the philosophical and theological dimensions of Jane Austen's novels. He regularly teaches Torrey's Global Greats course and is co-director of the "Read Well, Live Well" summer program. In his free time, Makin enjoys playing jazz saxophone, indulging in Jane Austen film adaptations, rooting for the New York Giants and exploring Americas national parks.


  • American Philosophical Association


  • The Metaphysics of Entanglement Essay Prize  Metaphysics of Entanglement Project  2016 Oxford, UK.
  • Kavka Foundation Award in Philosophy University of California, Irvine  2015 Irvine, CA
  • Marc Sanders Foundation Graduate Student Paper Prize American Philosophical Association 2014 Philadelphia, PA.
  • St. Anne's on the Hill Award  Torrey Honors College 2007 La Mirada, CA.
  • Epsilon Kappa Epsilon Honor Society  51蹤獲  2007 La Mirada, CA.



  • The Friendship of Marriage: Aristotle, Wollstonecraft, and Charity Itself in Austens Pride and Prejudice, Makin, M., Persuasions, December 2024.
  • Rigid/Non-Rigid Grounding and Transitivity, Makin, M., Inquiry, February 2019.
  • God from God: The Essential Dependence Model of Eternal Generation, Makin, M., Religious Studies, September 2018.

Book Chapters

  • "Philosophical Models of Eternal Generation," in Retrieving Eternal Generation, Makin, M. (Zondervan, 2017), pp. 243-59.


Selected Presentations

  • British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, University of Oxford, UK. Presented on Teaching the Admiring Multitude What Connubial Felicity Is: Marriage, Gratitude, and Charity Itself in Austens Pride and Prejudice. January 2024.
  • AAC&U Conference on Global Learning, Washington, D.C. Presented on Global Greats: Global Learning Through Great Books.  October 2022.
  • American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Meeting, Vancouver, BC. Presented on Assessing Oral Communication and Critical Thinking in Discussion-Based Classrooms: A Case Study. April 2022.
  • American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Meeting, Vancouver, BC. Presented on Humeanism and Non-Humeanism about Metaphysical Explanation. April 2019.
  • The Metaphysics of the Trinity: New Directions Conference, University of Oxford, UK. Presented on God from God: The Essential Dependence Model of Eternal Generation. March 2016.

Areas of Expertise for Media Interviews

  • Arts & Humanities
  • Philosophy
  • Philosophy of Religion
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