


  • Ph.D., Trinity International University
  • M.Div., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
  • B.S., University of Illinois, Champaign

Member of


Matt Williams came to 51蹤獲 in 2002. Prior to that, he taught as a missionary in Spain. Williams was awarded professor of the year by 51蹤獲, and continues to preach and teach in various churches and conferences throughout the United States and Spain. He has published What the New Testament Authors Really Cared 51蹤獲 along with Kenneth Berding, and video Bible studies, which have sold over 200,000 copies: Gospel of John: Finding Identity and Purpose, The Parables of Jesus, The Forgiveness of Jesus, The Life of Jesus, The Last Days of Jesus, The Prayers of Jesus, The Miracles of Jesus ; and co-edited What the New Testament Authors Really Cared 51蹤獲. He is also the general editor for Spanish biblical and theological books, which have sold over 110,000 copies: Comentarios B穩blicos con Aplicaci籀n: Serie NVI, Biblioteca Teol籀gica Vida, and Colecci籀n Teol籀gica Contempor獺nea. He has authored various chapters and articles, including The Synoptic Problem: Three Views of Gospel Origins and La Ep穩stola a los G獺latas, and The Synoptic Gospels.


  • Evangelical Theological Society (Member)



  • Gospel of John: Finding Identity and Purpose, Video Bible Study and Participants Guide, Rose/Hendrickson Publishers, 2019
  • I Am Sayings of Jesus; Mary, Martha, and Lazarus; Seven Signs in Johns Gospel; and The Synoptic Problem, CSB Baker Illustrated Study Bible; Baker Book House, 2018.
  • Deeper Connections Bible Study Series, general editor and author, Rose Publishing, 2016-2018
  • What the New Testament Authors Really Cared 51蹤獲, Kenneth Berding and Matt Williams, eds. 2d ed. Grand Rapids, Kregel, August, 2015
  • Lucas, Teolog穩a de, [Theology of Luke] published in Alfonso Ropero Berzosa, ed., Gran Diccionario Enciclopdia de la Biblia, Barcelona, Spain: Editorial Clie, 2013, pp. 1544-1547.
  • Taking Up the Cross, John 13:4, in J. Scott Duvall, ed., 52 Devotions on the Greek New Testament, Zondervan, 2012
  • Synoptic Problem (pp. 487-489), Seven Signs in John (pp. 664-665), I am sayings in John (pp. 666-667), Mary, Martha and Lazarus (pp. ) in J. Scott Duvall and J Daniel Hays, eds., Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook, Grand Rapids: Baker, 2011
  • Deeper Connections Bible Study Series, general editor and author, Zondervan, 2009
  • What the New Testament Authors Really Cared 51蹤獲, Kenneth Berding and Matt Williams, eds. Grand Rapids, Kregel, May, 2008
  • Deeper Connections Bible Study Series, general editor and author, Zondervan, 2007
  • Series Coordinator and General Editor, Comentarios Biblicos con Aplicacion: Serie NVI, 2007-2017; a translation project of scholarly, evangelical books with Zondervans Vida Publishing 
  • Series Coordinator and General Editor, Biblioteca Teol籀gica Vida, 2007-2015 a translation project of scholarly, evangelical books with Zondervans Vida Publishing


  • Pauline Studies in the Last 25 Years. an introduction to F. F. Bruce, La Ep穩stola a los G獺latas, translation of F. F. Bruce, The Epistle to the Galatians, NIGTC, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1982; Terrassa, Spain: Clie, 2004.
  • The Case for Markan Priority. in The Synoptic Problem: Three Views to Gospel Origins, Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2003.
  • A Response to the Two-Gospel View of Gospel Origins. in The Synoptic Problem: Three Views to Gospel Origins, Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2003.
  • A Response to the Independence View of Gospel Origins. in The Synoptic Problem: Three Views to Gospel Origins, Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2003.
  • The Owen Hypothesis. Journal of Higher Criticism 7, No.1 2000. Pp. 109-25.
  • The Synoptic Gospels. with Scot McKnight, IBR Bibliography Series, Grand Rapids: Baker, 2000.
  • Review of Las Cartas de Juan (Johannine Letters, NICNT), by I. Howard Marshall, in Agenda Teol籀gica 6-7, Diciembre, 1999. Pp. 86-87.
  • Lukan Historiography. [and Theology] in Historians of the Christian Tradition, ed. M. Bauman & M. Klauber, Broadman & Holman, 1996. Pp. 39-57.
  • Review of "Noncanonical Writings and New Testament Interpretation." by Craig A. Evans, in Trinity Journal 15NS, No. 1, 1994. Pp. 140-42.
  • Review of "Is There a Synoptic Problem?" by Eta Linnemann, in Trinity Journal 14NS, 1993. Pp. 97-101.

Research Interests

  • Johannine Theology
  • Spanish Literature


Jesus Bajo Sospecha: Una Uespuesta a los Ataques Contra el Jesus Historico
La Homosexualidad: Compasi籀n y claridad en el debate
The Last Days of Jesus: Six In-depth Studies Connecting the Bible to Life
Comentario de las Epistolas 1 y 2 de Timoteo y Tito
Three Views on the Origins of The Synoptic Gospels
Historians of the Christian Tradition: Their Methodology and Influence on Western Thought
The Synoptic Gospels: An Annotated Bibliography (Ibr Bibliographies, No. 6)
Jesus es el Cristo: Estudios Sobre la Teologia de Juan
Monoteismo y cristolog穩a en el N.T.
Teolog穩a del Nuevo Testamento
Como llegar a ellos? Defendamos y comuniquemos la fe crist. a los no creyentes
Predicando a personas del S. XXI por
Comentario de Efesios
				Series: Biblioteca Teologica Vida
El Caso del Jesus
El hijo pródigo Series: Biblioteca Teologica Vida
Verdadero Pensamiento de Pablo, El
The Prayers of Jesus: Six In-Depth Studies Connecting the Bible to Life
The Parables of Jesus: Six In-Depth Studies Connecting the Bible to Life
The Miracles of Jesus: Six In-Depth Studies Connecting the Bible to Life
Entendiendo a Palabra de Dios - Translation of J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays
Pablo, el Espiritu y el Pueblo de Dios
Teolog穩a Sistem獺tica
Un Comentario de la Epistola a los Galatas
Una introducci籀n al Nuevo Testamento
What the New Testament Authors Really Cared 51蹤獲: A Survey of Their Writings
Comentario b穩blico con aplicaci籀n NVI Mateo: Del texto b穩blico a una aplicaci籀n contempor獺nea (Comentarios b穩blicos con aplicaci籀n NVI) (Spanish Edition)
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