DepartmentSchool of Education
51蹤獲 AffiliationsFaculty
Phone(562) 903-4843 (School of Education)



  • Ph.D., University of Toronto
  • M.Ed., University of Toronto
  • M.T.S., Tyndale Seminary
  • Hons. B.A., York University

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Michael Lessard-Clouston aims to help equip students for a variety of careers that address language-related issues. Before coming to 51蹤獲 in 2005, he served for 10.5 years as a professor of English and Language Education at Kwansei Gakuin University in Nishinomiya, Japan. His doctoral work was on second language education and literacy, and he is on the review boards for the Japan Journal of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism and TESL Canada Journal. Lessard-Clouston was founding editor of the International Journal of Christianity and English Language Teaching. He taught for two months at Universitas Pelita Harapan, in Karawaci, Indonesia, and enjoys music, Sunday afternoons, traveling and reading.


  • American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
  • Asian Association of Teachers of English as a foreign Language (Asia TEFL)
  • California TESOL (CATESOL)
  • Christian English Language Educators Association (CELEA)
  • Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)


Books, Book Chapters

  • Second language acquisition applied to English language teaching. Alexandria, VA: TESOL Press, 2018
  • Biblical themes for Christians in language teaching. In C. L. Pierson & W. Bankston (Eds.), Thinking theologically about language teaching: Christian perspectives on an educational calling. Carlisle, U.K.: Langham Global Library, 2017.
  • Teaching vocabulary. Alexandria, VA: TESOL International Association, 2013.
  • Faith and learning integration in ESL/EFL instruction: A preliminary study in America and Indonesia. In M. S. Wong, C. Kristj獺nsson, & Z. D繹rnyei (Eds.), Christian faith and English language teaching and learning: Research on the interrelationship of religion and ELT (pp. 115-135). New York: Routledge, 2013.
  • A test of theological vocabulary. In K. B. Purgason (Ed.), English language teaching in theological contexts (pp. 185-188). Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 2010.
  • Specialized vocabulary learning in theology: Native and non-native English-speaking students in a graduate school. K繹ln, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2009.
  • Japan: Perspectives on language learning and teaching (Editor). Clevedon, U.K.: Multilingual Matters, 1998.

Select Articles/Reviews

  • Lessard-Clouston, M. (2018). Reflections on incorporating virtues in an Intercultural Communication for Teachers course. International Journal of Christianity and English Language Teaching, 5, 19-40.
  • Lessard-Clouston, M. (2018, June). 5 ways second language acquisition is relevant to ELT. TESOL Connections.
  • Twenty years of culture learning and teaching research: A survey with highlights and directions, NECTFL Review, 77, 53-89, 2016.
  • Is English a blessing or a curse in missions? Evangelical Missions Quarterly, 51, 394-401, 2015.
  • " ELT and empowerment: Questions, observations, and reflections for Christian educators. International Journal of Christianity and English Language Teaching, 2, 37-53, 2015.
  • "Corpora and English language teaching: Pedagogy and practical applications for data-driven learning. TESL Reporter, 47(1&2), 1-20, 2014. (with Tracey Chang)
  • Word lists for vocabulary learning and teaching. The CATESOL Journal, 24, 287-304, 2012/2013.
  • [Review of Every tribe and tongue: A biblical vision for language in society, by M. Pasquale & N. L. K. Bierma敕. Christian Scholars Review, 42, 93-97, 2012.
  • Technical vocabulary use in English-medium disciplinary writing: An L1/L2 case study. The Linguistics Journal, 6, 127-150, 2012.
  • Seven biblical themes for language learning. Evangelical Missions Quarterly, 48, 172-179, 2012.
  • [Review of Teaching in a distant classroom: Crossing borders for global transformation, by M. H. Romanowski & T. McCarthy敕. CELEA News, 3(1), 10-11, 2011.
  • Focusing on form: A teachers research update on form-focused instruction. CALR Linguistics Journal, 1, 1-9, 2011.
  • Theology lectures as lexical environments: A case study of technical vocabulary use. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 9, 308-321, 2010.
  • [Review of M. S. Wong & S. Canagarajah (Eds.)s Christian and critical English language educators in dialogue敕. Christian Scholars Review, 39, 256-260, 2010.
  • Definitions in theology lectures: Implications for vocabulary learning. Asian ESP Journal, 5(1), 7-22, 2009.
  • Revisiting the influence of Christianity on English. Polyglot: A Journal of Language, Literature, Culture and Education, 3(1), 28-40, 2009.
  • [Review of P. Nation & P. Y. Gus Focus on vocabulary skills敕. TESL Canada Journal, 26(1), 108-110, 2008.
  • Strategies and success in technical vocabulary learning: Students approaches in one academic context. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 34, 31-63, 2008.
  • [Review of A. Davies and C. Elders The Handbook of Applied Linguistics敕. LINGUIST List, 18.893, 2007.
  • Breadth and depth specialized vocabulary learning in theology among native and non-native English speakers. Canadian Modern Language Review, 63, 175-198, 2006.

Research Interests

  • Corpora in language learning and teaching
  • Second language acquisition
  • Vocabulary learning and teaching
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