DepartmentSchool of Education
51蹤獲 AffiliationsFaculty
Phone(562) 903-4843 (School of Education)



  • Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University
  • M.Div., Fuller Theological Seminary
  • B.A., Stanford University

Member of


After beginning his career in education as a science teacher in Bogot獺, Colombia in 1984, Nick Block has worked most of his years in the U.S. as a public school teacher in grades three to five in a variety of language settings. At 51蹤獲, Block has taught since 2014 in the undergraduate, graduate, and Induction/Clear Credential programs. He has mainly taught courses in philosophy of education, research methods, academic writing, and multicultural education. Past research in dual language education as well as decades of experience as a bilingual educator (including 26 years in Montebello Unified School District) contribute to his concern that students grow as expert users of language. While concerned with all subject areas, in his teaching with young children he was greatly concerned with vocabulary development as a basis for subject matter comprehension and writing growth. Blocks most recent research has focused on vocabulary development in middle school science, and he has continued his interest in dual language schools that he has had for two decades.

In addition to his work in K-12 schooling, teacher preparation, and master's level work at 51蹤獲, Block has been involved in theological education in Los Angeles, Colombia, and Rwanda. Whether supporting young teachers in teaching new words or new pastors in teaching the Word, his greatest desire is to help others to be fruitful in their calling.


  • "Evaluating the efficacy of using sentence frames for learning new vocabulary in science." Block, N. In Journal of Research in Science Teaching. November 2019.
  • "Comparing attitudes of first-grade dual language immersion versus mainstream English students." Block, N., Vidaurre, L. In Bilingual Research Journal. May 2019.
  • Effective dual immersion school transitions: An expert panel." Sellards, R. S., Schneider, S. H. Block, N. In Dual Language Research and Practice Journal. June 2017.
  • Supporting full bilingualism among the children of immigrants: Implications for spirituality and justice. Block, N. In Justice, Spirituality, and Education Journal. November 2016.
  • Moral foundations: Applying ethical approaches to multicultural education. In Approaches to ethics: Kingdom thinking for the academic disciplines (Langer, R., Ed.). Block, N. Reid, R. (2016 51蹤獲 Faculty Integration Seminar.) June 2016.
  • Perceived impact of two-way dual immersion programs on Latino students relationships in their families and communities, in the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. November 2011.
  • The impact of two-way dual immersion programs on Initially English-dominant Latino students attitudes, in Bilingual Research Journal.August 2011.
  • Achievement in predominately low-SES Hispanic dual language schools, in the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. Co-authored with Kathryn Lindholm-Leary. January 2010.
  • Relaciones entre M矇xico-americanos e inmigrantes mexicanos. In Vivir y servir en el exilio: Lecturas teol籀gicas de la experiencia latina en Los Estados Unidos J. Maldonado and J. Mart穩nez (Eds.), (pp. 173-188). Buenos Aires: Ediciones Kairos. 2008.


  • AERA Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
    Presented on "Dual language attitudinal research (Bilingual Education Research SIG)." April 2019.
  • ATDLE Conference, Palm Springs, CA.
    Presented to teachers and administrators on "Creating sentence frames for language growth." June 2017.
  • Justice, Spirituality, and Educational Conference, 51蹤獲, La Mirada, CA.
    Conducted a workshop presentation on Bilingual and dual immersion language programs: Implications for the spiritual lives of immigrant families. November 2015.
  • Fundaci籀n Universitaria Seminario B穩bilico de Colombia (FUSBC), Medell穩n, Colombia.
    Presented as main speaker at the Encounter of Theological Education. August 2015.
  • Critical Questions in Education Conference, San Diego, CA. 
    Presented on The Failure of Federal Policy Toward ELLs. February 2015.
  • AERA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
    Presented a paper on English dominant Latinos in two-way immersion classes with the Bilingual Education SIG. Also presented a paper entitled, Primary language instruction as a relentless trailblazer for young English language learners (Issues in Early Childhood Ed SIG). April 2011.
  • AERA Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
    Presented a paper on the impact of two-way dual immersion programs on intergenerational relationships (Bilingual Research SIG). April 2009.
  • California Association of Bilingual Education (CABE) Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA.
    Directed a workshop on issues concerning primary language literacy instruction. February 2009.
  • AERA Annual Meeting, New York City, NY.
    Presented a paper on achievement of students in dual immersion programs in predominantly Latino schools (Bilingual Research SIG). March 2008. 
  • California Association of Bilingual Education (CABE), Burlingame, CA.

    Two-Way Dual Immersion Conference. Conducted a workshop on research concerning the efficacy of dual-immersion in predominantly Latino schools. July 2007.

Research Interests

  • Dual-language Schools
  • Vocabulary Development
  • Spiritual Lives of Teachers

Areas of Expertise for Media Interviews

  • Bible Interpretation
  • Education
  • Hermeneutics
  • Hispanics/Education
  • Latinos
  • Teaching
  • Bible Interpretation
  • Education
  • Hermeneutics
  • Hispanics/Education
  • Latinos
  • Teaching
  • Bilingualism
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