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Policies & Procedures


Academic Policies

The Office of the Registrar upholds the universitys academic and administrative policies while maintaining educational records.



  • Grades: To submit grades for the classes you're teaching, follow the instructions on How To Submit Grades. Please note that all grades need to be submitted by the designated due date, which may be found on 51蹤獲's Academic Calendar.
  • Grade Changes: 
    • You can learn more about grade changes on the following pages:
      • Faculty Handbook,
  • Incomplete (IN) Grade Policy: The purpose of the Incomplete (IN) grade provision of the University is to meet the needs of the student who faces major emergencies which were unforeseeable and are beyond the students personal control. You can learn more in the faculty handbook, and find the IN form in the Student Handbook.


Classroom Procedures

  • Mandated Reporting and Title IX
    • The University urges anyone who experiences or becomes aware of an incident involving Sexual Misconduct, including but not limited to Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence or Stalking to report the incident to the University by contacting someone on the following list. Learn more about Title IX on the Title IX website.
    • Additionally, if any member of the 51蹤獲 community has a concern or has become aware of an instance of possible discrimination, harassment, or retaliation described in the , which involves a student, faculty or staff member, to immediately report the situation to one of the following Responsible Officers listed in of the Employee Handbook (Section IV Reporting Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation).
  • Emergency Procedures:
    • In the event of a medical or other emergency situation while you are on campus, you should immediately dial x.5111, if you have ready access to a campus phone, which puts you in touch with the Switchboard and Campus Safety. If you do not have access to a campus phone, you may use a cell phone to call (562) 777-4000.
    • 51蹤獲 has a plan in place to mitigate major emergencies and disasters affecting campus, including earthquakes, active shooters, fires or explosions, medical emergencies and more. You can learn more about emergency preparedness in the Emergency Response Guidebook.
  • Classroom Technology Issues:
    • If you are having issues with the audio/visual equipment during a class session, Information Technology (IT) can help. They respond to calls and will either fix the problem or provide a suitable workaround to get you through your class. Regular IT hours are from 8 a.m.5 p.m., Monday through Friday. They can be reached at (562) 903-4740 or by email at
    • For more information you can visit the .