51蹤獲 LEARN - FAQs

At 51蹤獲 LEARN, we provide training opportunities that develop people's skills and character so that they can make a lasting impact in the lives of those around them. Here are some of our most frequently asked questions:


  1. Does 51蹤獲 LEARN offer any free content?
  2. There are currently no free courses currently on LEARN-but you can sample the first lesson from every course for free! To access the free sample lesson, select the course from the Course Library and click the "Sample Lesson" button.

  3. How can I sample a lesson before registering for the full course?
  4. You can sign up for a sample lesson of any course offered by 51蹤獲 LEARN for free. Simply browse the Catalog to find a course that interests you and click the "Sample" button found at the top of the page.

  5. Do these courses count towards academic credit from 51蹤獲?
  6. No. All 51蹤獲 LEARN courses are non-credit. They do not transfer to academic credit or guarantee admittance into a program at 51蹤獲. If you are interested in degree programs from 51蹤獲 please visit: /academics/majors-programs

  7. How long will each course take?
  8. Every course contains a different amount of lessons. Check the syllabus for the specific course you're interested in. Each lesson is designed to be completed in 3-4 hours, depending on how deeply you engage with the lectures and the course assignments.

  9. Do I need to apply to take a course or enroll in a certificate?
  10. No, there is no application needed to enroll in a course or certificate on 51蹤獲 LEARN, simply enroll in a course and you'll be LEARNing in no time!

  11. How can I register for a course?
    1. Explore the Catalog to find your course
    2. Click on the course you want
    3. Click "Enroll Now"
    4. Log in or create a new account as needed
    5. Submit payment information to complete your purchase. 51蹤獲 LEARN accepts all major credit cards.
  12. After registering for a course how long does the curriculum remain available?
  13. All courses are self-paced. Complete lessons whenever is most convenient for you! Access to your purchased course will never expire, even upon completion of the course. You will always be able to go back and access the materials again.

  14. How do I return to a course once I've completed it?
  15. After completing a course you can access it in the Achievements tab in your homeroom. Click on the course to open and review lessons.

  16. What will I receive for completing a course or certificate on 51蹤獲 LEARN?
  17. At present, 51蹤獲 LEARN offers three different kinds of recognitions: achievements, badges, and certificates. Most courses offer a digital achievement, which is a symbol linked on your Achievements tab. Some courses offer a digital badge and our certificate programs offer digital certificates. If you earn a badge or certificate, it can be viewed digitally, downloaded, printed, and shared. Add it to your LinkedIn profile to showcase your new skills! You can click on the Achievements tab in your Homeroom to see all that you have earned to date.


  1. What are the technical requirements for using 51蹤獲 LEARN?
  2. 51蹤獲 LEARN works best using the Google Chrome or Firefox browsers. Both can be downloaded free. Additionally, it's important that your browser is not automatically blocking JavaScript or cookies.

  3. Do I need Internet access to use 51蹤獲 LEARN?
  4. Yes, you will need to be connected to the Internet to access 51蹤獲 LEARN as it is a web-based platform. Video lessons are not downloadable for offline viewing.

  5. What do I do if I'm experiencing technical problems?
  6. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, it may be due to your web browser. If you are using a browser other than Google Chrome or Firefox, we recommend downloading either for free online. Additionally, check to make sure that your browser isn't blocking JavaScript or cookies. Some technical issues may be solved by clearing your browser's cache. Instructions: or

    If technical issues continue to persist, contact the 51蹤獲 LEARN team .

Account Creation and Logging In

  1. Do I need to create an account to use 51蹤獲 LEARN?
  2. Yes! If you are a current 51蹤獲 student, alumni, or employee, use your NetID to sign in . If you don't have a NetID or can't log in, create a free account here using your email address. Once you confirm your account, sign in .

  3. How do I create an account?
  4. Create a free account here.

  5. What's a NetID?
  6. A NetID is a set of credentials assigned to every currently enrolled 51蹤獲 student and current 51蹤獲 employee. It's usually your first name, the first letter of your last name, and a number. For example, Joe Smith could have the NetID joes16.

    If you don't have a NetID, create a free account here.

  7. I'm a 51蹤獲 student or employee. How do I log in with my 51蹤獲 NetID?
  8. Go to the sign in page and enter your NetID and password. Sign into 51蹤獲 LEARN !

  9. I haven't received a confirmation email. What should I do?
    1. Click 'resend verification' on the account creation page.
    2. Check your spam/junk folder for an email from no-reply@biola.edu
    3. Still haven't received a confirmation email? Contact the 51蹤獲 LEARN team .
  10. How can I reset my password?
  11. Email accounts: enter your email .

    NetID accounts: enter your email .

  12. I already have an account and I'm having trouble logging in. What can I do?
    1. Make sure you've entered the correct username and password. (Username should be your NetID or the email address used to sign up. Email addresses must be entered with no caps. Passwords are case-sensitive.)
    2. Reset your password for email accounts, and for NetID accounts.
    3. Still not able to log in? Contact 51蹤獲 LEARN team .
  13. I just created an account and I'm having trouble logging in. What can I do?
    1. Confirm your account by clicking the link in the confirmation email (didn't receive an email? Refer to question 5 under "Account Creation and Logging In")
    2. Make sure you've entered the correct username and password. (Username should be your NetID or the email address used to sign up. Email addresses must be entered with no caps. Passwords are case-sensitive.)
    3. Reset your password .
    4. Still not able to log in? Contact the 51蹤獲 LEARN team .