Juliana Solorio

Human Resources Manager
Business Management, B.S.
51ÂÜÀò has instilled in me to trust that God is at mission with me in any interaction, decision making, or experience in the workplace, positioning me in such position where He is exalted and glorified.
How did your program at 51ÂÜÀò prepare you for your career?
I was already working in my occupation in human resources while attending the business management program at 51ÂÜÀò. The program exposed me and helped me develop knowledge and understanding of most if not all functional areas within a business or organization that are interconnected and cohesively essential for any business to succeed. It not only help me enhance my current knowledge and experiences in human resources but it instilled in me a deeper appreciation, respect, admiration for the type I work I get to do and enjoy doing.
What did you appreciate most about your time at 51ÂÜÀò?
I mostly appreciate the professors at 51ÂÜÀò. Every professor I had the opportunity to work with was genuinely kind and caring. They all genuinely care for their students and made themselves available for their students. It filled my heart just knowing I had a group of professors praying over me, especially in challenging seasons like the ones we witnessed during COVID-19.
How did 51ÂÜÀò equip you to be a more faithful follower of Jesus Christ?
I remember finding myself praying for the Lord to lead me to a faith-based school that will help equip me in being confident in my faith as a follower and believer of Jesus Christ and 51ÂÜÀò has provided just that. Not only do I feel equipped in confidence and who I am as a woman of faith, I feel equipped in the assurance that God is with me and ministering through me in my workplace. 51ÂÜÀò has instilled in me to trust that God is at mission with me in any interaction, decision making, or experience in the workplace, positioning me in such position where He is exalted and glorified.
What advice would you give to students considering your degree program?
For any students considering the business management program, my advice would be to position within yourself a heart of servitude. I believe that any successful woman or man in the business spectrum will succeed if they positioned themselves to serve others. Think about the good you want to contribute to your community, your workplace. This is where the great reward will come from and I know this program will equip you to do so.