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Undergraduate Tuition & Costs

How much does 51蹤獲 cost? It can be more affordable than you think dramatically lower than the sticker price in most cases. Below, youll find details about tuition, housing, meals and other expenses. But remember: Weve got generous scholarship and aid options to help you afford a premier Christ-centered education.

paper with a dollar sign

Published Price

paper with a dollar sign cut by scissors

Scholarships, Grants & Loans

paper with a dollar sign cut down

Actual Cost

Costs and Aid Overview (2025-26)

Costs Before Aid Per Semester Per Year
Tuition $25,452 $50,904
Housing  $3,225 $6,450
Food (12 flex meal plan)  $2,670 $5,340
Total Costs Before Aid $31,347 $62,694
Scholarships and Aid Per Semester Per Year
Average Scholarships & Gift Aid  $15,250 $30,500
Federal Loans  $2,750 $5,500
Total Estimated Aid  $18,000 $36,000
Remaining Costs After Aid Per Semester Per Year
Average Student Living on Campus $13,347 $26,694
Average Student Living at Home $7,452 $14,904

View Current Tuition and Costs (2024-25)

Explore Financial Aid Opportunities


Net Price Calculator

100% of new, incoming traditional undergraduate students receive at least one form of aid. Use our Net Price Calculator to estimate how much financial aid you might qualify for as an undergraduate student at 51蹤獲.

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Discover the Value of a 51蹤獲 Education

What makes 51蹤獲 worth the investment? Premier academic programs. Exceptional career preparation. A vibrant, all-Christian community. And so much more. Visit our 51蹤獲 Experience page for your one-stop introduction to the opportunities and outcomes you can expect from your 51蹤獲 education.

The 51蹤獲 Experience

Cost Details (2025-26)


Program Type Semester Tuition
(12-18 credits)
Annual Tuition
(12-18 credits)
Cost Per Credit
(1-11, 19+ credits)
Cost Per Credit
(Summer 2026)
Traditional Undergraduate$25,452 $50,904$2,121$769
English Language Scholars N/A N/A$647 $647
Special Student Tuition
(Non-Degree Seeking)
$25,452 $50,904$2,121 $769

Note: The fee to audit a class is $250 per credit.

Meal Plan

These are estimated costs for 202526. Meal plans are optional for commuter students. All students under 21 years old, not living at home, are required to live in on-campus housing and have a meal plan.

Meal Plan Semester Annual
20 Flex Meal Plan ($150 flex) $3,325 $6,650
15 Flex Meal Plan ($150 flex) $3,145 $6,290
12 Flex Meal Plan ($150 flex) $2,670 $5,340
10 Flex Meal Plan ($150 flex) $2,470 $4,940
Block Plan 175 (175 anytime meals with $150 Flex) $2,910 $5,820
10 Meal Plan $2,335 $4,670
5 Flex Meal Plan ($50 flex);
Commuters or 51蹤獲 apartment residents only
$1,045 $2,090
Block Plan 20 (20 anytime meals with $350 flex);
Commuters or 51蹤獲 apartment residents only
$650 $1,300

Miscellaneous Expenses

Beyond tuition, meals and housing, students should plan for additional fees and personal expenses. The following chart lists some of the most common additional costs. Please note that some schools, programs, courses and activities have separate fees. For a more detailed view of potential costs, expand the lists of general and special fees.

Expense Semester
51蹤獲 Health Insurance (if applicable) $1,200
Class Fees $100
Books $200$500
Personal Varies
Parking Fee (if applicable) $160
Late Registration (if applicable) $200

View All General Fees

Enrollment Deposit (non-refundable)1 Cost
Undergraduate $300
Graduate $100

1 51蹤獲 undergraduate students accepted into a 51蹤獲 graduate program must submit a graduate deposit to ensure a place as a 51蹤獲 graduate student.


General Fee Cost
Arranged Course/Independent Study Fee1 $200
Cap and Gown Fees: Bachelors Set (includes cap, gown, tassel) $39
Graduation Processing Fee $100
Graduation Application Late Fee $200
Health Insurance Plan (student only estimate)2 $1,200
Housing Deposit $250
International Student Fee (per semester fall/spring)3 $100
Late Application Fee $10
Late Enrollment Fee Any time after the published payment deadline $200
Payment Plan Fee $85
Replacement Diploma Fee $55
Returned Check Fee (per occurrence) $25
Rush Check Fee $20
Special Off-Campus Program Registration Fee $50
Special Student Application Fee $20
Student Athlete Fee (per semester fall/spring)3 $125
Transcript Fee Official $9
Vehicle Registration/term $160

1 The Arranged Course/Independent Study Fee is non-refundable after the first day of the semester in which the student is enrolled.

2 Required of all traditional undergraduate students, all international students on an F1 student visa (including graduate and ELS students), and all students who live in 51蹤獲 residential facilities (including graduate, ELS, online bachelors, etc.). Students that are enrolled in a private health insurance plan that meets university requirements can submit their insurance information in order to apply for a waiver of the Student Health Insurance Plan. Students that desire to apply for a waiver must do so at the time of enrollment. Insurance fees are subject to change.

View All Special Fees

There are special fees for specific labs, clinics, physical education/recreation and camping courses, etc. See course descriptions for fees.

Special Fee Cost
Art (per semester fall/spring) $350
Art Minor (per semester fall/spring) $150
Biblical and Theological Studies Department Activity Fee (per year) $180
CMA School Fee Students entering Fall 2025 and beyond (per semester fall/spring) $750
CMA School Fee Students enrolled prior to Fall 2025 (per semester fall/spring) $200
Communication (per semester fall/spring) $250
Commuter Life Fee (per semester fall/spring) $125
Conservatory of Music Music Majors (per semester fall/spring) $200
Conservatory of Music Theatre Majors (per semester fall/spring) $200
Nursing (per semester fall/spring) $400
Orientation Fee $125
School of Education (per semester fall/spring) $100
Stewart Science Honors Program Fee (per semester fall/spring) $50
Torrey Honors College Fee (per semester fall/spring) $125


These are estimated costs for 202526. Please note that single occupancy in traditional housing is available at a higher cost (limited). All students under 21 years old, not living at home, are required to live in on-campus housing and have a meal plan.

Residence Hall or Apartment Semester Annual
Alpha $3,225 $6,450
Alpha - Triple Occupancy $2,920 $5,840
Blackstone Economy Double $2,920 $5,840
Blackstone Large Double $3,530 $7,060
Hart $3,225 $6,450
Hope $3,530 $7,060
Horton $3,530 $7,060
Sigma $3,225 $6,450
Stewart Hall $3,225 $6,450
Double-As-Single Occupancy, All Halls $4,720 $9,440
Beachcomber Apt. 1 BR / 2 people $4,120 $8,240
Beachcomber Apt. 1 BR / 3 people $3,495 $6,990
Beachcomber Apt. 2 BR / 4 people $3,545 $7,090
Li Apt. 2 BR / 4 people $3,810 $7,620
Lido Mirada Apt. 1 BR / 2 people $4,120 $8,240
Lido Mirada Apt. 1 BR / 3 people $3,495 $6,990
Lido Mirada Apt.  2 BR / 4 people $3,545 $7,090
Tradewinds Apt. 1 BR / 2 people $4,120 $8,240
Tradewinds Apt. 1 BR / 3 people $3,495 $6,990
Tradewinds Apt. 2 BR / 4 people $3,545 $7,090
Tropicana Apt. All 2 BR / 4 people $3,545 $7,090
Welch Apt. All 1 BR / 3 people $3,545 $7,090

51蹤獲s Cost of Attendance

The cost of attendance is a measure whereby 51蹤獲 follows federal and state regulations to establish the maximum amount of financial aid a student can receive. The cost of attendance is determined for each academic year based on the student's program of study, academic credit load, and in some cases, housing status. Please note that the cost of attendance will differ, sometimes significantly, from a student's account balance. To determine a student account balance, students should visit Students with questions regarding their balance can contact the 51蹤獲 Student Accounts team at

The following costs of attendance are based on a student enrolling full time or at the recommended enrollment load for the program of study based on 51蹤獲 enrollment status definitions determined by the Office of the Registrar.

202526 Cost of Attendance for Traditional Undergraduate Students

Based on fall and spring enrollment at 1218 credits per term.

Amount for Living with Parent

Cost of Attendance ComponentAmount
Full-Time Tuition & Fees$50,904
Personal Expenses$3,150
Books & Supplies$1,200
Average Loan Fees$164
Total Cost of Attendance$64,164

Amount for Living Off Campus

Cost of Attendance ComponentAmount
Full-Time Tuition & Fees$50,904
Personal Expenses$3,150
Books & Supplies$1,200
Average Loan Fees$164
Total Cost of Attendance$70,380

Amount for Living on Campus (No Dependents other than Spouse)

Cost of Attendance ComponentAmount
Full-Time Tuition & Fees$50,904
Personal Expenses$3,150
Books & Supplies$1,200
Average Loan Fees$164
Total Cost of Attendance$70,380

Amount for Living On Campus with Dependents other than Spouse

Cost of Attendance ComponentAmount
Full-Time Tuition & Fees$50,904
Personal Expenses$3,150
Books & Supplies$1,200
Average Loan Fees$164
Total Cost of Attendance$76,624


This is the average cost of on-campus housing. Costs may be lower or higher depending on your residence hall or apartment building.


This is the cost of food for 12 meals per week. Students living in residence halls are required to purchase a plan of at least 10 meals per week.

Average Scholarships

This is the average gift aid including scholarships and grants for new, incoming freshmen and transfer students. This amount does not need to be repaid. Actual awards vary based on a number of factors, including academic performance and level of demonstrated need.

Federal Loans

First-year students are eligible for $5,500 in annual federal loans, with the annual amount increasing each year youre in school. Beyond these federal student loans, additional loan options include Parent PLUS loans and private loans.

Total Estimated Aid

This amount is shown as an example. Actual awards may be higher or lower. To get a personal estimate of your award, based on academic performance and estimated need, visit our net price calculator.