I have deep respect for Dr. Christina Lee Kim. Ive had the opportunity to hear her speak on several occasions, and I am consistently struck by her wisdom, clarity and humility. She is transparent with her stories of challenge and difficulty, and in her sharing I find deep encouragement.
In this talk, offered as a Torrey Conference breakout session, Dr. Kim shares her experiences of suffering and loss. She talks about how she walked with Jesus through the valley of shadow of her fathers terminal illness and death. She talks about identity - the identities we take on in life and lose in and through death. She talks about a life filled with the good and the harda life lived with Jesus.
In the good and the hard, in the highs and the lows, Dr. Kim reminds us of this indelible truth: "Our identity in Christ stands the passing of time. It survives the journey of life through highs and lows, and because it's based on an indestructible, immovable, almighty God, it remains when other aspects of our identity are easily stripped away."
If you have experienced loss, or know someone who has, Id encourage you to listen to Dr. Kims story (and keep that Kleenex box close at hand). Allow it to help you in your journey of griefallow it to offer a glimpse into the process and grief of death so that you can better journey with someone else.