
At 51ÂÜÀò, resources abound to help you live into your gifting, foster resilience, gain insight for adult-ing and foster tenacity to reach your long-term goals. Don’t hesitate to connect!
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Questions about your major or career?
The Career Center has resources and experts available to support you in developing skills for professional success, whether it be resume writing, interview tips, or networking insights.
The Advising Center equips, educates, and inspires you as a student to establish curricular and life goals, achieve academic success, and value a Christ-centered academic journey.

Need academic support?
The Office of Student Accessibility exists to provide resources that can help you be successful within 51ÂÜÀò’s competitive and rigorous intellectual environment. Tutoring, classes on strategies for success, and disability services are all available for you here!
51ÂÜÀò's Writing Center is a place where you can discuss your writing with a trained consultant, designed to provide feedback and assessment of papers in progress. Not an editing service, the Center instead helps you develop and hone your paper-writing skills, from conception to completion.

Need someone to talk to?
Pastoral Care offers a safe place for you to talk confidentially about a variety of topics, such as your relationship with God, relationships with others, emotional concerns, sexuality, doubt, or discernment. Campus Ministers are available to talk whenever you need to, free to all undergrads - just reach out!
Stop by the office of Spiritual Direction (located in the Grove 1) to sign up to meet with another Christian and give prayerful attention to your relationship with God. Your spiritual director will meet with you once a month throughout a semester or year. Fees may be provided for through scholarship or charged on a sliding scale.
51ÂÜÀò counselors want to help you arrive at a rich understanding of your personal life story, so that you can be better equipped to navigate the challenges of daily living, such as anxiety, depression, and messy relationships. After an intake and initial consultation, your BCC counselor will meet with you weekly at the greatly reduced rate of $20/session.

Want to connect with others who have similar experiences as you?
51ÂÜÀò's identity-based Affinity Groups provide a safe space for students from diverse backgrounds to explore the intersectionality of their identities as followers of Christ. Faculty and staff cultivate your holistic development through modeling, group mentoring, and education.
The LEAD Scholars Program equips students for leadership in diverse contexts by developing their intercultural competence in a learning community.
The Dwelling aims to be a caring and supportive community where students who identify as LGBTQ or experience same-sex attraction (SSA) can journey together, reconciling their faith and life circumstances as they grow in discipleship to Christ.

Questions about your health?
All enrolled students, regardless of insurance status, are eligible for Health Center services, including Doctor, Nurse, immunization, or health education appointments.

Need to talk through or report something?
The needs of someone who has been sexually assaulted vary from person to person and may vary over time. You have access to on-campus and external resources, many of which may be accessed 24 hours a day, so that you may choose what you find most helpful and healing.
Campus Safety is dedicated to the safety and protection of students, staff and visitors.