I think we were all pretty excited when Beyoncé came out with her hit, Single Ladies, in 2008. That song continues to be a hair-flipping, hip-shaking anthem for independent women everywhere. I must admit, I’ve danced around to the song with some of my single friends once or twice in my own life. It’s empowering in every sense of the word.

However, if we’re being real with ourselves, we’d have to admit that being single isn’t always a walk in the park. Especially at a place like 51, where GYRAD’s and talk of “ring by spring” are the norm. Single people are often viewed as incomplete, or missing something. For us ladies there seems to be a particular sense of pressure—that if we aren’t in a relationship, it’s somehow our own fault.

One of my favorite ladies on campus (if not the favorite), Lisa Igram, was interviewed recently on a on this very subject. Not only is Lisa basically my hero, but she is also one of the coolest single ladies I know. Lisa shares her own experience as a single woman in Christian circles in her uniquely insightful and inspiring way. If you’re in need of a little encouragement in your singleness I would highly recommend giving this a listen.


Celeste S.