Hispanic Heritage Month takes place from September 15th to October 15th every year in the United States. This time is devoted to celebrating the diverse cultures and recognizing the massive contributions the Hispanic and Latinx community has made in History. As the month comes to an end, our team here at GRIT wants to celebrate alongside the rest of the country by elevating voices of Hispanic and Latinx Community.

Below, we have linked some resources to read, watch, listen, see, and interact with that highlight the Hispanic and Latinx experience. Explore and enjoy!

To Read:

The Inbetween: Exploring my Latinidad By: Melissa Fernanda Valle

By: Stacy Torres

By: Katherine

By: Natalia Kohn Rivera, Noemi Vega Qui簽ones, and Kristy Garza Robinson

To Watch:

Jane the Virgin (Netflix)

By: Elizabeth Camarillo Gutierrez

On My Block (Netflix) language warning

To See:

To Listen (with descriptions to follow):

In often-hilarious and always-revealing episodes, Alicia Menendez and her guests take on the challenges of existing, and then thriving, as Latinas. They talk about everything, from growing their companies and careers, caring for their families, and breaking down the systems that keep many of us out. Through the laughter and sometimes tears, these intimate conversations feel like were listening to and learning from our most trusted friend. Latina-owned, produced, and made with love.

Latino USA offers insight into the lived experiences of Lation communities and is a window on the current and merging cultural, political, and social ideas impacting Latinos and the nation.

Break the stigma of mental health as it relates to the Latinx community. Learn self-help techniques, how to support ourselves or those around us that struggle with mental illnesses, and create cultural competency for other providers working with the Latinx population.