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  • Jasmyne Bell, Danielle Brimmage

    Danielle: Hey, class of 2020 family. Its been a rough couple of weeks, a fast-paced cant breathe Ive been sucked in the riptide and cant...

  • Danielle Brimmage

    To our beloved GRIT community, We know that many departments/organizations on and off 51蹤獲s campus have released statements in response to...

  • Danielle Brimmage

    New things happening at Grit! We are starting a new #WomanCrush series on our socials to showcase inspirational female Faculty, Staff and students....

  • Insight

    Logan Lusk

    Happy Spring Break! This Tuesday isnt just any Tuesday. Apparently, its Super Tuesday (!!) As far as I know, this is a pretty important day for...

  • A Story of Hope

    a guest blog by Elisia Belisle-Sanchez

    Elisia Belisle Sanchez

    What does Black History Month mean to you? For me, Black History Month is a month of cultural awareness as well as a month of celebration for the...

  • Tenacity

    For All Womankind

    a guest blog by Yukari Becker

    Yukari Becker

    You dont look Asian Can you speak it? Yukari?! - what is that? These phrases were my norm growing up. The things I constantly heard when...

  • Insight

    Drawing a Line in Love

    Rediscovering your independent identity in a relationship

    Thecla Li

    Its easy to get caught up in your significant other early into a relationship. You have an unending desire to know every facet of them. What makes...

  • Insight

    Danielle Brimmage

    I once told myself Id never write about singleness. Not because I was embarrassed or my relationship status, or because I didnt think it was an...

  • Insight

    Jasmyne Bell

    Hustle and grind are common words used amongst the Millennial and Gen Z generations as a means of encouragement. Our culture glorifies losing sleep...

  • Insight

    Here's to the Freshmen

    a word for the Freshman Women of 51蹤獲

    Rachel McCready-White

    To the Freshmen, We have all been there. The wonderful thing about the college experience is that there are always going to be people who have gone...

  • Womanhood Without a Catch

    a guest blog by: Alyse Mgrdichian

    Alyse Mgrdichian

    I do believe that getting married and having children are beautiful things, both to desire and live out. Similarly, wanting these things over a...

  • Insight

    A Winter Break Memoir

    GRITventures: India

    Thecla Li

    Happy spring semester! This past winter break I had the chance to go to Kolkata India in West Bangla. Indias history is littered with unique...

  • Insight

    Logan Lusk

    Hey there, girl gang! Its been a while. This is going to be more of an informative piece rather than a testimonial one. Because to be quite frank...

  • Tenacity

    Jasmyne Bell

    It took me a long time to start writing this post. When I was given the task to write about what it means to surrender to God, I was unable to...

  • Tenacity

    Rachel McCready-White

    Father God, I pray for the women of 51蹤獲. That we would see the image of You in our reflections. I pray that that would empower us, shape us and...

  • Gifting

    Celebrate? Celebrate!

    Encouragement for all our creative gals against their fight with their insecurities.

    Thecla Li

    God, the creator, is the source of all creativity and in creating us in His own image. He gave us the gifts of creativity. As creative people, we...

  • Insight

    Logan Lusk

    Happy November ladies of 51蹤獲! If youre anything like me, your October was absolutely packed. There were highs: Torrey Conference, Parents...

  • Rachel McCready-White

    I think there is something very poetic about the way the sun sets. I have always seen it as a painting that God meticulously strokes into existence...

  • Danielle Brimmage

    Ive started to talk more about my struggle. As a kid, I remember the first time pain was explained to me. An article by Kids Health puts it pretty...

  • Tenacity

    Wrestling With Ourselves

    Rethinking the way we approach mental illness.

    Logan Lusk

    Trigger Warning: mental health In 2018, the American College Health Association published a shocking report about the mental wellbeing of college...

  • Insight

    Rachel McCready-White

    I know we all had that lesson in first grade about what kindness looks like, but we often have many other things that come before kindness on our...

  • Tenacity

    Jasmyne Bell

    There is nothing easy about feeling lonely. Everyone feels it sometimes, but what Ive noticed is that young adulthood brings much more loneliness...

  • Resilience

    Let's Have a Talk, Girl to Girl

    A note of encouragement from the ladies of each department for the new school year.

    Thecla Li

    The arrival of a new school year often brings with it a wide range of emotions. Feeling fear, excitement, loneliness, and everything in between is...

  • Insight

    Danielle Brimmage

    I still remember when GRIT launched for the first time. It was about midway through my freshman year, at a time where I was desperately seeking...

  • Insight

    Rachel McCready-White

    There used to be something so sweet about summer break. As a little girl, summer was the only thing that got me through the long days of school and...