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Spring Career Expo

Located in the Library

    • Wednesday, February 7, 2024
    • 10 a.m.3 p.m. Pacific
  • Library
  • Hosted By: Career Center

Cost and Admission

This event is free to attend.

Location has been moved to the Library. 

Come meet over 40 employers from the below industries! They are hiring for spring and summer internships as well as entry-level roles. Open to all majors, student years and recent grads!

  • Business Management
  • Federal & Local Government
  • Healthcare
  • Marketing & Communications
  • Non-profit & Fundraising
  • S.T.E.M.
  • Vocational Ministry & Missions

Why come to the expo?
Career Expos are a great way to explore a variety of job opportunities and company cultures.

Not sure what to say?
Tell the recruiters what you are interested in and ask where you might be a fit!

Next steps:
 and receive the event playbook! Follow us for additional tips and career content.


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Want to feel confident at 51蹤獲s Career Expo?

Do you know what type of candidates employers are looking for? Candidates like you! Candidates who are emotionally intelligent, hardworking, critical thinkers, problem solvers, and culture creators. Employers are waiting for you to tell them how you have used all these skills and more. Start by reviewing the resources below to prepare for speaking to employers and understanding how to navigate Handshake.


Preparation Checklist

  • Research the employers you want to meet with. Make note of their company values, job descriptions, and skills required.

  • Update your Handshake profile. Be sure to add your previous experiences, skills, and a resume.

  • Update your resume. Tailor your resume to highlight the skills and experiences relevant to the employers you will meet. For personalized advice .

  • Prepare your 30-second introduction. A professional elevator pitch is the best way to make a great first impression.

  • Prepare questions for each employer.

  • Use Handshake to message employers ahead of the event. This is a great way to make yourself stand out from the crowd. A quick note of introduction, followed by a note of thanks after the event will go a long way in your job search efforts.



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Learn how to ace your interview. This free, online tool provides advice and hands-on practice with mock interviews. Use your 51蹤獲 email address to register.

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51蹤獲 Toolkit

Review guides on resume building, cover letter writing, networking, and more!



For personalized advice .

Expo FAQs: Expert Advice

To help students prepare for the Expo, we asked employers and our very own Career Specialists some career and networking-related questions that we collected from 51蹤獲 students! We hope these Q&As serve you in preparing for networking in both group and 1:1 sessions.

Ryan Aldrich

Ryan Aldrich, Program Director at Tahoe Forest Church

Ryan Aldrich has worked with young adults for over two decades. Hes passionate about positively influencing the lives of young people. A career educator, Aldrichs focus has been leadership, where his experience was gained through serving as a Headmaster, Upper School Director, College Counselor, and Teacher.

Set in an idyllic mountain location, the (TRLP) develops and guides aspiring Christian leaders through experiential ministry training. The TRLP Program provides participants with professional skills for planning, organizing, and developing Christian ministries.

Q: What questions should students avoid when networking?

A: Avoid what I call the two click question. Answers which can be found with two clicks on-line. For example, what is the size of your business? That shows that you have not done your homework. Go deeper and impress employers with questions that reveal critical thinking.

Q: What do you look for in candidates?

A: We look for a good fit first. Do their values align with ours? Then, I look at their application and depth in their answers. Were they articulate? Interviews are also important in our hiring process as well as reference checks."

Q: What if I don't feel ready to go into the workforce after graduating?

A: Perfect! Find a gap year program or residency like ours at the Tahoe Resident Leadership Program where young adults can continue to grow their confidence, hone their leadership skills, grow spiritually, and gain hands-on ministry experience.

Sarah Carpenter

Sarah Carpenter from Teach For America

works toward the day when every child will receive an excellent and equitable education. We find and nurture leaders who commit to expanding opportunity for low-income students, beginning with at least two years teaching in a public school.

Q: Do I need to meet certain qualifications to speak to a recruiter?

A: At Teach For America, the only qualification were really looking for is folks to be U.S. citizens, permanent residents or DACA recipients. Due to eligibility criteria from school districts we partner with, we unfortunately cannot offer sponsorship to international students at this time. That being said, we have opportunities for students across all classes, GPAs and academic interests and well happily connect with anyone interested in learning more about our mission.

Q: What do you look for in candidates?

A: We look for candidates who are excited about tackling big, systemic issues like educational inequity, and the initiative and commitment to actually doing the work to turn that passion into an actionable reality.

Q: What if I don't feel ready to go into the workforce after graduating?

A: The past two years certainly have presented a multitude of challenges, and it makes sense if youre closing in on graduation but also feeling like youre not quite ready to commit to a full-time job. Take some time figuring out what YOU want to do next, and recognize that your next step could look like taking a gap year or two, pursuing an advanced degree, or dappling in a fellowship or two before actually seeking a job in the field that aligns with your undergrad degree.

Q: Do you have any non-traditional positions (for unrelated majors)?

A: Absolutely! At Teach For America, we accept applicants from all majors, and actually believe that it is imperative for folks who ultimately want to go into business, law, politics, and medicine to start their careers most proximate to issues of social inequity in order to create a more equal and just nation for all of us.

Raquel McLeod

Raquel McLeod Career Specialist

Raquel graduated from Whittier College with a bachelors degree in political science and Spanish. She served in the United States Army for 8 years and deployed in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Prior to coming to 51蹤獲 she worked in health care for over 15 years as a Director of Business Development and Marketing with various hospitals, physicians, dentist and surgical centers in the Southern California area.

Q: What type of questions should I ask employers at an expo?

A: What do you value most in a candidate? What next steps do you recommend to become part of your team? Do you have any advice for someone in my shoes? What opportunities are currently available? Could I reach out to you later to learn more about how you got to where you are in your career?

Q: How can I bring up, are you hiring?

A: Some great ways to ask are: What opportunities are currently available by your company/organization?; Where are you in your hiring process right now with internships or can you name specific positions if you know it?; Can I contact after to see if there are any opportunities for me to be part of your team?

Q: What if I don't feel ready to go into the workforce after graduating?

A: Its ok! Try using to maybe see what areas it recommends. Additionally, attend different industry employers that sound interesting - it might help guide you or get you excited about life after graduation.