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Ask a current student questions to get unique insight into the school and their experience of the academics, culture, housing and more. Here are some questions you can ask:

Choosing This College

  1. What made you choose this college?

  2. Were there any other colleges you were considering, and what made this one stand out?

  3. How does the reality of attending this college compare to your expectations before you arrived?

  4. Is there anything you wish you had known before coming here?

Typical Day & Experiences

  1. Can you walk me through a typical day in your life as a student here?

  2. What has been your favorite class or professor so far, and why?

  3. Have you faced any challenges while studying here, and how did you overcome them?

  4. Where are the best study spots on campus?

  5. Do you feel safe on campus? Is the surrounding community around campus safe?

Campus Involvement & Activities

  1. Are you involved in any extracurricular activities or clubs? How has that experience been?

  2. How easy is it to get involved in campus activities or leadership roles?

  3. Can you tell me about a particularly memorable event or activity you participated in?

  4. Have you participated in the school’s health and wellness or counseling services? How has that experience been?

Community & Relationships

  1. How would you describe the sense of community among students here?

  2. Have you been able to form close friendships or relationships with peers and faculty?

  3. Can you share about your experience in the dorms?

  4. What do students normally do on the weekends?

Spiritual Growth

  1. In what ways has your faith been challenged or grown since attending this college?

  2. Are there specific people or groups on campus that have positively influenced your spiritual journey?

  3. How does the college community support students in times of spiritual or personal need?

  4. What are the opportunities available for ministry and missions?

Advice & Reflections

  1. Looking back, is there anything you would have done differently during your time here?

  2. What has been your most memorable experience here?

  3. What advice would you give to someone who's considering attending this college?

  4. How do you think this college experience will impact your future goals and plans?