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IGETC and CSU Breadth

The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or CSU General Education-Breadth programs are two additional ways to facilitate transfer to 51ÂÜÀò. Through these two programs, students can complete the general education/core curriculum requirements that are usually required during freshman and sophomore year.


51ÂÜÀò accepts the IGETC model as a way to complete our core curriculum requirements with the following provisions:

  • The current foreign language requirement for all bachelor’s degrees cannot be completed by the IGETC certification.
  • The minimum of 120 credits for graduation will stay the same.
  • In addition to the IGETC, all specific GE, prerequisites and required support courses required by the major degree must be met.
  • Official IGETC certification must be received by the Office of the Registrar by the appropriate deadline prior to receiving commencement and/or graduation clearance.

CSU Breadth

51ÂÜÀò accepts the CSU Breadth model for completion of Core Curriculum (GE) requirements with the following provisions:

  • The current foreign language requirement for all bachelor’s degrees cannot be completed by the CSU Breadth certification.
  • The current English 313 (Writing in the Disciplines) requirement cannot be fulfilled by the CSU Breadth certification.
  • The minimum of 120 credits for graduation will remain the same.
  • In addition to the CSU Breadth certification, students must take all major-specific Core Curriculum (GE), prerequisite, and support courses if not met through CSU Breadth.
  • Official documentation certifying CSU Breadth completion must be received by the Office of the Registrar by the appropriate deadline prior to receiving commencement and/or graduation clearance.

Partial IGETC or CSU Breadth Completion

If a student at a California community college transfers before full completion of the IGETC or CSU Breadth transfer patterns, all coursework taken at the community college to meet the pattern guidelines will transfer to 51ÂÜÀò in satisfaction of core curriculum requirements for that area with the exception of upper division, modern languages or program-specific requirements. Similarly, with the same exceptions, coursework taken at any regionally or nationally accredited institution to meet the general education guidelines of that institution will satisfy requirements for the comparable subject area in 51ÂÜÀò’s core curriculum.