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Category: Marriage and Family

  • Sean McDowell — 

    There has been a lot of talk recently about why kids leave the church. In the past few years, there have been important books on the subject by...

  • Kenneth Berding — 

    Were not relationship experts. Certainly not. But we raised four daughters and weve talked to a lot of college-aged women about relationships...

  • Erik Thoennes — 

    After thirty years of ministry, I feel more burdened for the lives of young men than I have ever felt before. Has a more challenging time existed for a young man to figure out who he is supposed to be?

  • Jeannine Hanger — 

    In the last four years, my husband and I have experienced the gradual emptying of our nest as we have sent two of our three children off to...

  • Mark Saucy — 

    The following is the seventh post in a series of eight posts exploring the beauty of gender from a biblical perspective. Read the first post, The...

  • Mark Saucy — 

    The following is the second post in a series of eight posts exploring the beauty of gender from a biblical perspective. Read the first post, "The...

  • Kenneth Berding — 

    I recently received an email from a former student living in a challenging country in the Middle East. He asked me a question that I would assume...

  • Berry Bishop — 

    Ecclesiastes 3 tells us there is a time for everything. There is a time or season for laughing, speaking and dancing and we typically resonate...

  • Rob Lister — 

    I recently published an article on the meaning of sexual intimacy in marriage in the academic journal, Eikon: A Journal for Biblical Anthropology....

  • Dominick Hern獺ndez — 

    Everyone who is old enough to remember the attacks on the United States has their September 11 story. We all remember where we were, what we were...

  • Dominick Hern獺ndez — 

    Todas las personas que recuerdan los atentados contra los Estados Unidos tienen su historia personal del 11 de septiembre del 2001. Todos...

  • Talbot Faculty — 

    Suppose a Christian young man or woman is considering attending a Christian college. Which college should he or she attend? What criteria should be...

  • Making Sense of Our Adversary

    An Excerpt from Dr. Tim Muehlhoff's latest book "Defending Your Marriage: The Reality of Spiritual Warfare."

    Tim Muehlhoff — 

    A note from Clinton E. Arnold, Dean of Talbot School of Theology One of the blessings for Talbot as a seminary embedded in a Christian university...

  • Tom Finley — 

    Marriage Gods Way: A Biblical Recipe for Healthy, Joyful, Christ-Centered Relationships , by Scott LaPierre (Charis Family Publishing, 2016), is...

  • Gary McIntosh — 

    A generation of baby-boomer pastors are facing retirement age. Spanning an eighteen year gap from 54- to 72-years-old, approximately 10,000 boomers...

  • John McKinley — 

    In part 1 , part 2 , and part 3 of this essay, I reflected on what makes for a balanced life in terms of the bodily needs for proper care in...

  • John McKinley — 

    In part 1 and part 2 of this essay, I reflected on what makes for a balanced life in terms of the bodily needs for proper care in feeding the...

  • John McKinley — 

    In part 1 of this essay, I reflected on what makes for a balanced life in terms of the bodily needs for proper care in feeding the body. I...

  • John McKinley — 

    I am not good at balance, but I am aware of the need for it. We all make hundreds of choices every day that are small in themselves, but have...

  • A New Bible Translation for Young Children

    Review of "The Best News Ever"

    Kenneth Berding — 

    I wrote the following review in a similar register as the translation being reviewed. Enjoy! A woman named Jan Harthan lived in a different...

  • Octavio Esqueda — 

    Cada a簽o la importante revista Time selecciona a la persona que ha tenido m獺s influencia en el mundo durante el a簽o. La persona del a簽o 2017 ha sido acertadamente y sin lugar a dudas las mujeres que rompieron el silencio y cuyas voces empezaron el movimiento #MeToo (yo tambi矇n). Estas valientes personas han hecho p繳blicas sus desgarradoras historias de abuso y acoso sexual las cuales abarcan todos los segmentos de la sociedad y lamentablemente tambi矇n de las iglesias.

  • The Good Book Blog — 

    Dr. Kevin Lawson (Professor of Educational Studies at Talbot School of Theology) recently co-edited and published Infants and Children in the Church: Five Views on Theology and Ministry in partnership with Dr. Adam Harwood (Associate Professor of Theology at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary). We wanted to learn more about this book, so we had Dr. Lawson respond to some questions ...

  • David Talley — 

    Do you want to be a faithful man? Do you long to be a man who stays the course in the midst of so many who are failing? Have you known failure and now you are determined to make the best of a second chance? I assume that the answer to any of the above questions, which are applicable to you, is yes since you are reading through this article ...

  • Octavio Esqueda — 

    The phrase or hashtag #MeToo became viral in social media in recent days. Me Too is not a new phrase; the African-American social activist Tarana Burke started using it ten years ago, but it became a media trending topic recently. This phrase represents a public acknowledgement that a person (although women are sadly the vast majority) has been sexually harassed or assaulted. It has been heartbreaking to read the countless testimonies of people who had the courage to share their abuse storiesmany of them for the first timewith openness and frankness ...

  • Octavio Esqueda — 

    La frase o hashtag #metoo (yo tambi矇n) se ha hecho viral en las redes sociales en los 繳ltimos d穩as. No es una frase nueva porque desde hace 10 a簽os la activista afroamericana Tarana Burke intent籀 hacerla p繳blica, pero no ha sido sino hasta estos d穩as que su uso se ha convertido en una tendencia social. La frase indica un reconocimiento p繳blico que una mujer, principalmente y en su gran mayor穩a aunque tambi矇n incluye hombres, ha sido v穩ctima de cualquier tipo de acoso sexual o incluso violaci籀n. Ha sido desgarrador leer los innumerables testimonios de personas que han tenido la valent穩a de contar sus historias y hablar de frente, en muchas ocasiones por primera vez, sobre el abuso que sufrieron ...